Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3

Insurance companies paying for medical errors

….Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3…..Medical errors lead to both devastating and severe results about the hospital assets and patient wellbeing. Even with the creation and enforcement of policies to prevent the occurrence of medical errors, preventable medical errors still trouble the healthcare sector. Health insurance companies have put more concentration on the preemptive care, reduction in unnecessary medical testing as well as improved patient health results by the transition to value-based care reimbursements. Health insurance companies follow a few key ways to improve patient health outcomes and also reduce spending. Due to this health insurance companies should pay for injuries, death and extended costs resulting from medical errors. Healthcare payers can execute health information expertise thereby protecting patient welfare besides preventing medical errors.

To add on, the payers could incentivize providers financially for adopting electronic medical records and prescribing systems. Health information exchange systems could play a role in strengthening care coordination and improving patient health outcomes. Healthcare payers partner with like-minded organizations to ensure patient health outcomes are enhanced. In some cases the errors caused result in high medical costs that patients cannot afford therefore insurance companies should always liaise with the healthcare providers on how to pay for the damages caused…..Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3…..

Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3

Healthcare quality improvement initiatives

Health care still lacks structures to evaluate the safety, numerous quality improvement initiatives in healthcare stay poorly developed. There are few involvements in patient safety sharing the features of evidence-based medicine. Regardless of some progress realized nations still face vital requirements to construct a less-error susceptible to the system that delivers better care. Health insurance companies looking to reduce medical costs, improve patient health outcomes and ensure high member satisfaction requires to implement various strategies. Creating a safe surrounding for patients is one of the significant issues that healthcare leaders embrace. Lessening faults and developing quality significantly entails care processes together with systems being built for the anticipation of inevitable human inaccuracies and avoid them. Healthcare quality improvement is made by use of various initiatives to reduce errors and improve patient safety. Success in this requires a multifaceted strategy comprising government investment and regulation public education, leadership within the delivery system and payment system restructuring…..Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3……

To intensify public demand for advanced quality and fewer faults in health care, determinations to teach the community about quality improvement is operative. Private and public employers should initiate such efforts by assisting their employees in understanding that they are not in receipt of full prospective remunerations from accessible healthcare; therefore, quality complications endangers their health. Secondly, healthcare providers should take hold of the leadership in error decrease and quality improvement by instituting evidence-based dealings for all types of quality complications. The health providers should generate the model programs for their development, impact filing and success dissemination (Kalra, 2011).

Answer: SIM410 Assignment 3

Creating incentives for healthcare organizations

Incentives for improved performance in healthcare payment for services have several means and methods. Financial incentives have two categories that are; incentives focused at providers and those directed for employees or patients. Incentives are deliberated to encourage individuals to perform well and develop their results. Incentives may be monetary such as cash, certificates, and P4P, or non-monetary such as reimbursement accounts, flexible working hours and premium contributions. Application of incentives can be on the institutions, consumers or the specific providers. Incentives of all forms majorly focus on two objects that include, the motivation of employees to perform well and also have a lifelong impact on the employee performance. Incentive programs concentrating on both patients and providers have turned out to be progressively extensive. For instance the pay-for-performance (P4P) model, the providers receive financial incentives to improve clinical outcomes. P4P improves measures of effectiveness and quality and also eradicate unnecessary cost (Cromwell & Research Triangle Institute, 2011). The model offers a financial incentive that allows providers and payers associate financial incentives and in operation quality effects. Pay-for-performance has been implemented widely.


Cromwell, J., & Research Triangle Institute. (2011). Pay for performance in health care: Methods and approaches. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press.

Kalra, J. (2011). Medical Errors and Patient Safety: Strategies to reduce and disclose medical errors and improve patient safety. Berlin: De Gruyter.

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