
A mother of a 6mo old has returned back to work and is having trouble with pumping. She states that she is having less breast milk available. What recommendations should the Nurse Practitioner make? What is the most recent research about the benefits of breastfeeding?  What laws are in place to support breastfeeding at work? Are employers required to allow breaks or a space to feed? Is there a stigma to breastfeeding in public? Is there any research that demonstrates breastfeeding and early maternal child care in the US vs other countries?

Discussion 250 Words. Make Sure You Provide 2 References And Utilize APA Style.. . Discussion Rubric


A mother of a 6mo old has returned back to work and is having trouble with pumping. She states that she is having less breast milk available. What recommendations should the Nurse Practitioner make? What is the most recent research about the benefits of breastfeeding?  What laws are in place to support breastfeeding at work? Are employers required to allow breaks or a space to feed? Is there a stigma to breastfeeding in public? Is there any research that demonstrates breastfeeding and early maternal child care in the US vs other countries?

Discussion 250 Words. Make Sure You Provide 2 References And Utilize APA Style.. . Discussion Rubric

A mother of a 6mo old has returned back to work and is having trouble with pumping. She states that she is having less breast milk available. What recommendations should the Nurse Practitioner make? What is the most recent research about the benefits of breastfeeding?  What laws are in place to support breastfeeding at work? Are employers required to allow breaks or a space to feed? Is there a stigma to breastfeeding in public? Is there any research that demonstrates breastfeeding and early maternal child care in the US vs other countries?

Discussion 250 Words. Make Sure You Provide 2 References And Utilize APA Style.. . Discussion Rubric

A mother of a 6mo old has returned back to work and is having trouble with pumping. She states that she is having less breast milk available. What recommendations should the Nurse Practitioner make? What is the most recent research about the benefits of breastfeeding?  What laws are in place to support breastfeeding at work? Are employers required to allow breaks or a space to feed? Is there a stigma to breastfeeding in public? Is there any research that demonstrates breastfeeding and early maternal child care in the US vs other countries?

Discussion 250 Words. Make Sure You Provide 2 References And Utilize APA Style.. . Discussion Rubric

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