direct practice improvement project

DQ 1

Assessment Description

Reflecting on the “IHI Module QI 202: Addressing Small Problems to Build Safer, More Reliable Systems,” describe how your direct practice improvement project achieves clinical improvement. How will you achieve widespread change? How would the widespread change of your DPI Project be affected if it were implemented in a country with universal health care. Describe how the health outcome would be impacted.  Provide supporting evidence

direct practice improvement project


My direct practice improvement project achieves clinical improvement by enhancing obesity disease prevention in minority groups. Chooi, Ding, and Magkos (2019) reveal that various minority groups are highly susceptible to being obese, for example, people with low education levels, people from minority races, and people from low-income groups. I will achieve widespread change by ensuring that people from these groups get the healthcare literacy they require to reduce their chances of being obese. Healthcare literacy is vital in promoting positive behavior among the minority groups. In turn, this not only reduces obesity rates but also minimizes the healthcare costs associated with obesity treatment and the relevant healthcare outcomes.

If it were implemented in a country with universal healthcare, the widespread change of my DPI project would be positively affected. This is because a country with universal healthcare has the necessary framework and culture required to promote positive health outcomes. The public is more likely to be receptive to healthcare interventions due to the high healthcare literacy that is facilitated by free access to healthcare services (Polster, 2018). The health outcome would be impacted through the active involvement of the government. Since the project will be funded by the government, it will reach a bigger target audience compared to a scenario where people require healthcare insurance to access preventive healthcare interventions.


Chooi, Y. C., Ding, C., & Magkos, F. (2019). The epidemiology of obesity. Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental, 92, 6-10.

Polster, D. (2018). Confronting barriers to improve healthcare literacy and cultural competency in disparate populations. Nursing (Jenkintown, Pa.), 48(12), 28-33.


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