Global Health Goals & Disparities


World Health Organization takes up a vital role in the global control of diseases and health improvement…Global Health Goals & Disparities…. This is due to its main universal functions of creating, observing and implementing international principle and organizing several actors toward common objectives… Global Health Goals & Disparities… Good health is fundamental to human well-being and also makes an essential contribution to economic progress. World Health Organization is mainly apprehensive with the effect of better health on growth and reduction in poverty. Millennium Development Goals are the global society’s most largely shared structure focused on reducing poverty. The MDGs denote commitments of United Nations Member States to lessen poverty and its many manifestations on gender inequality, environmental degradation, diseases, lack of education, and malnutrition. Various elements affect a country’s health status and ability to deliver valued health services for its citizens.

Global Health Goals & Disparities

Global Health Goals

Fighting malaria, HIV/AIDS, and other maladies is one of the Millennium Development Goals. HIV/AIDS, malaria besides other ailments influence agricultural production, food, and nutrition, rural development plus national safety globally either directly or indirectly. This Promotes food and nutrition insecurity and malnutrition generating increased susceptibility to maladies. HIV/AIDS epidemic has overturned the advances prepared in the direction of realizing health for every individual. This has undesirably affected the socioeconomic condition of the several countries. Increase in mortality, as well as morbidity of tuberculosis, has been due to the emergence of HIV/AIDS. Malaria is the main reason for death cases among expectant mothers and young children below five years….Global Health Goals & Disparities….

Country and Goal Progress

The MDGs target of preventing HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases by the year 2015 and beginning to alter malaria occurrence and other significant illnesses focused in Kenya. This indicator defines the proportion of the country’s population aged 15 to 24 years that have an all-encompassing awareness on HIV/AIDS. Which entails ascertaining the two critical means of inhibiting sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS, one of the ways is the use of condoms. The HIV weakens the immune system leading to AIDS. HIV damages the body’s capability to force away contagions and ailments which in due course can result in death.  The indicator reveals the realization of national education, communication programs, and information as determinations in supporting awareness of HIV/AIDS control approaches. They also reduce misapprehensions concerning the disease and in the long run decreasing transmission risks.

The indicator is predominantly advantageous for nations with a poor understanding of HIV/AIDS as it allows for laid-back measurement of gradational developments over a period. Between 2000 and 2005 global malaria occurrence frequency and mortality rate reduced by 37% and 58% respectively in Sub-Saharan Africa.  Substantial improvement in the tuberculosis indicators has been in existence since the year 2000. Kenya is on the right track towards meeting the MDGs as the problem of tuberculosis has become stable and at present shows signs of an opposite trend. HIV/AIDS program is working together with the community scheme to enhance the relations with the program (Benjamin, 2012). This aids in tracking defaulters in addition to improving devotion to different involvements instigated by the program. The great achievements since the year 2000 have been ascribed to increase in international funding for malaria, with the availability of new equipment. Access to malaria prevention and treatment interventions has increased for instance diagnostic testing, and indoor lasting spraying.

Global Health Goals & Disparities

Nursing Role

The principal duty of a nurse is to advocate and care for individuals from all cultural backgrounds and support them through health and sickness. Nurses set foot into the occupation to recover the health of entities and populaces, which is vital to the nursing basic. Nurses as the primary health care providers in the society are the main initiatives for realizing Millennium Development Goals (Nicholas & Breakey, 2015). With an increased insight of HIV/AIDS as a nursing syndrome, nurses can make essential contributions toward its treatment and prevention. They are therefore urged to grow into more active in specialized humanities, offer guidance to patients, and teach others about the transmission of HIV/AIDS. Nurses can normalize HIV testing by providing and endorsing tests in universal situations. As public health officials, nurses should get involved with populations and communities across countries and cultivate an understanding of humankind and to value health care as a human right….Global Health Goals & Disparities…

As a way of nurses’ planning towards issues affecting their roles, they should observe how to reinforce their organizations, improve domination in their institution and then advance policies to observe principles in their responsibility. To achieve the MDGs target nurses should breakthrough obstructions and accept appointments to rural regions where their services are most required (Byrne, 2015). It is very significant for nurses to make operative involvement in allowing them to meet the necessary professional standard. Nurses need to develop the capacity to enable their profession to thrive in a period where academia is more competitive and dynamic. Nurses should ensure that attainment of patients’ rights to equitable and accessible health care. They should be committed to inter-professional collaboration to ensure provision of care for various diseases affecting individuals.

Health disparity

Health disparities are variations in the health situation of a diverse populace. Health disparities are unequal and unswervingly related to the inadequate distribution of resources. They arise from various dynamics, including, environmental coercions, educational inequality, poverty, and insufficient healthcare access. Progenies, expectant women, aging, malnourished, and sick individuals are particularly susceptible when disaster strikes. These vulnerable groups are prone to health disparities. Poverty and its common consequences such as lack of education, homelessness, and malnutrition, is a major contributor to vulnerability. Entities with less knowledge are more probable to experience some health dangers, for example, drug abuse, early pregnancies, and obesity concerning educated persons. Advanced level of education is related to an amplified possibility of attaining and understanding simple health information and services required in creating health-suitable choices.

Reducing health disparities offers everyone an opportunity to live healthily and improve the quality of life. Aforementioned can be achieved by employing several nursing strategies. Quality of health care should be accessible to every individual and focus put on the communities at a higher risk. Partnerships with organizations serving youth at high risk should be strengthened. The public together with policymakers needs education on causes, effects, and control of health disparities. Research should be supported to ascertain effective tactics in eradicating disparities. Collected data need to be standardized for better identification and addressing the problems. Successes, lessons, and encounters need documentation and extensive sharing to reach young individuals at high health disparity risks….Global Health Goals & Disparities…..


In conclusion, global healthcare is important for the rapid identification and control of emerging infectious diseases. This is by preventing international disease transmission and protecting the global population. Health care disparities continue universally causing higher risks of certain groups having limited access to healthcare and experience poor quality of care. Health care disparities take place across a wide-ranging dimension and reveal a multifaceted set of environmental and social contributing factors. It is progressively vital to address discrepancies as people develop to be more varied. The contribution of health to the all-embracing objective of poverty reduction has been positively recognized to discourse the bases of diseases that arise in the community. Working at the community level to ratify healthy living and deter prolonged contagion delivers clinical benefits to the overall number of beings in need. It also reduces health gaps instigated by race and ethnicity contrasts and different variables that influence the well-being of an individual.


Benjamin, B.A. (2012). Building relationships and engaging communities through collaboration. New York, NY: Springer.

Byrne, M. W. (2015). Professional practice models for nurses in low-income countries. Available at:

Millennium Development Goal 6. (2015). Retrieved from

Nicholas, P.K. & Breakey, S. (2015). Global health and global nursing. NY:Springer.


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