professional poster summarizing planned evidence-based quality project

You will create a professional poster summarizing your planned evidence-based quality improvement project and share in the Discussion Forum—Question 2 as an attachment.  You may use the MS PowerPoint poster template provided or one you have found or developed. The poster should include the problem, the research evidence used to validate the project’s need, the project’s planned intervention, planned evaluation criteria (project outcomes assessment), and the project’s anticipated outcomes. Consider next steps to continue forward progress of your work in nursing practice. Include summary information from all elements of your proposed project. The poster should be informative, colorful and eye-catching including the title and your name and current credentials. You will use your poster for a final discussion utilizing Voice Thread in Module 8.

professional poster summarizing planned evidence-based quality project

You will create a professional poster summarizing your planned evidence-based quality improvement project and share in the Discussion Forum—Question 2 as an attachment.  You may use the MS PowerPoint poster template provided or one you have found or developed. The poster should include the problem, the research evidence used to validate the project’s need, the project’s planned intervention, planned evaluation criteria (project outcomes assessment), and the project’s anticipated outcomes. Consider next steps to continue forward progress of your work in nursing practice. Include summary information from all elements of your proposed project. The poster should be informative, colorful and eye-catching including the title and your name and current credentials. You will use your poster for a final discussion utilizing Voice Thread in Module 8.

You will create a professional poster summarizing your planned evidence-based quality improvement project and share in the Discussion Forum—Question 2 as an attachment.  You may use the MS PowerPoint poster template provided or one you have found or developed. The poster should include the problem, the research evidence used to validate the project’s need, the project’s planned intervention, planned evaluation criteria (project outcomes assessment), and the project’s anticipated outcomes. Consider next steps to continue forward progress of your work in nursing practice. Include summary information from all elements of your proposed project. The poster should be informative, colorful and eye-catching including the title and your name and current credentials. You will use your poster for a final discussion utilizing Voice Thread in Module 8.

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