Solution: SIM405 Component 1

Solution: SIM405 Component 1 : A standardized care map is one of the central tools employed in managing healthcare quality regarding the regulation of care progressions. The implementation of these tools reduce clinical practice variability as well as improving the results. Clinical ways intend to encourage systematized and effective patient care centered on evidence-based treatment and also improve upshots in home care and acute care settings. Standardized care maps help nurses develop critical thinking skills in planning for a safe and efficient nursing care. This allows healthcare specialists to view the relationship amid patient’s complication, the underlying condition and the clinical response.

Solution: SIM405 Component 1

ANA (American Nursing Association) recognizes about seven standardized nursing terminologies which include NANDA (North America Diagnosis Association). By definition, a nursing terminology refers to a group of terms which applicable in nursing which become standardized upon ANA’s approval or any other appropriate body. NANDA preserves conventional nursing diagnoses and prognoses that arranged into a multi-axial taxonomy of spheres as well as classes. In the case of a person suffering from the impaired skin, there are two diagnoses recognized by NANDA and are applicable. The two diagnoses include Impaired Skin Integrity (ISI) and Risk for Infection (RFI). NANDA defines (RFI) as the elevated chances of a patient getting attacked by pathogenic organisms. This applies to a patient that shows symptoms of pancytopenia during admission and was already predisposed to infections (McGonigle, & Mastrian, 2009). The risk factors associated with RFI include inadequacy of primary defense, for instance, fragmented skin, body fluid status, inadequate secondary defense (immunosuppression, leukopenia), malnutrition, intubation, injured tissue, intravenous devices, invasive procedures, indwelling catheters, chronic disease, and inability to avoid pathogens….Solution: SIM405 Component 1….

The other diagnosis –ISI, majorly entails disorder of the dermal and epidermal tissues of the skin which happened at home when the patient fell down before admission. Just like in the case of RFI, there are several risk factors associated with ISI (Bulechek, Butcher, & Dochterman, 2008). The risk factors include immobility, malnutrition, mechanical forces –pressure, friction and shear, noticeable bony prominences, altered sensation, poor circulation, incontinence, edema, history of radiation, environmental moisture, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), and hyperthermia. NIC (Nursing Intervention Classification), is ANA’s terminology which encompasses the interventions that nurses and other healthcare professionals perform. Just like NANDA, the interventions in NIC are organized into specific domains and classes. The following is a summary of NIC’s interventions that apply to the patients in the abovementioned cases (Nursing Care Plans, 2009)….Solution: SIM405 Component 1…..

Solution: SIM405 Component 1

Impaired Skin Integrity

NIC’s Intervention and Definition of terms.

  • Skin Surveillance refers to the gathering and analysis of information to maintain the skin as well as the mucous membrane integrity.
  • Skin Care: Topical Treatments is the operation of topical substances to enhance skin veracity and reduce skin cessation.
  • Wound Care is the process of curbing complication of wounds and enhancing wound healing.

Risk of Infection

NIC’s Intervention and Definition of terms.

  • Infection Control is the minimization of the acquirement and spread of transmittable proxies.
  • Infection Protection is defined as prevention and early detection of infection in a patient at risk


Bulechek, G., Butcher, H., & Dochterman, J. (2008). Nursing interventions classification (NIC). 5. ª Edición, San Luis. EE. UU: Mosby.

McGonigle, D. & Mastrian, K. (2009). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledgeBoston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Nursing Care Plans (2009). Nursing diagnosis: Risk for infection. Retrieved from:


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