Solution: SIM405 Component 2

Solution: SIM405 Component 2. Health professionals play a vital role in improving health care quality for the populace. According to American Nurses Association (2010), nurses deliver important services that stimulate health, inhibit ailments and deliver health care services to communities, families, and individuals centered on the primary health care methodology. Health professional skills are essential in the achievement of the MDGs. Nurses primary roles include supporting, advocating and caring for individuals from all religious and ethnic backgrounds. The nursing roles are divided in several aspects which include, patient advocacy, patient care, patient education and support and also planning care.

In planning of care nurses take part in making decisions for the patient’s treatment. They employ critical thinking when assessing patients and identifying potential problems for the appropriate recommendations and actions. Nurses provide patient care as they are the patients’ caregivers, they assist patients in dealing with their physical needs, treating health disorders as well as preventing illness. Nurses offer patient education and support in healthcare centers. Nurses ensure patients understand their health condition and medications or treatments they should undertake. Nurses take time to explain to the patient, family and caregivers what to do and expect when they are discharged from the hospital. Through this, the patient gets support and know where to seek additional information when needed (Matthews, 2012)….Solution: SIM405 Component 2…..

Solution: SIM405 Component 2

There are many different types of professional nursing organizations. American Nurses Association is one of the largest nursing organizations. It serves as one of the oldest and largest professional nurse organizations (ANA, 2010). The National Student Nurses Association is another nursing profession organization. It provides support on career development to students who are preparing for the nursing profession. Nurses join these professional organizations for several reasons. First, through these organizations nurses have a voice on the issues affecting their career. Nursing Organizations are the pillars of professional growth. Nursing organization membership connects an individual to his or her peers. Therefore, when nurses come together nation gains stronger voices in the political ground both on national and local level….Solution: SIM405 Component 2….

Nurses aligning with professional organizations that supports their specialty positions them on the forefront of changes in practice.  Nursing organizations conduct yearly nursing conferences. The meetings unite and network nurses from different parts of the country and sometimes globally to share ideas as well as best carry outs. Involvement in these organizations offer nurses the opportunity to advance in education, accreditation prospects, and enlightening meetings. Lastly, the organizations offer certified nurses an opportunity to advance in education that is relevant to their practice.


American Nurses Association. (2010). Nursing Professional Development: Scope and Standards of Practice. Silver Spring, Maryland.

Matthews, J.H. (2012). Role of professional organizations in advocating for the nursing profession. Retrieved from

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