February 2024

Best Practices to Improve Patient’s Outcomes

Best Practices you have learned about during this course. How will these practices improve patient’s outcomes? Title: Enhancing Patient Outcomes: Best Practices in Healthcare Introduction: In the realm of healthcare, the pursuit of excellence in patient care is paramount. Throughout the course of medical education and practice, several best practices have emerged that significantly contribute […]

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History of Marfan Syndrome

Purpose To work in an interdisciplinary team, use critical thinking, and apply emergency nursing interventions within the scope of practice for the LPN. Instructions Read the following scenario and answer the questions. A fingerprint indicates a major clue. Make sure you cite all sources using APA format. The Story: You (the LPN) are working in

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BSN Essentials Document

Discussion Prompt After completing the assigned readings and activities found in Unit 7, visit the American Association of Colleges of Nursing website at AACN Essentials linkLinks to an external site. 1. Select and click on the BSN Essentials (free PDF document). 2. In the BSN Essentials document, review the corresponding competencies for each Essential by finding

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Historically Underrepresented and Underserved Students

What do you feel are the best strategies for supporting historically underrepresented and underserved students? Specifically, what are the key factors that contribute to their success and the closing of equity gaps in the classroom, particularly for African-American, Latin(o)(a)(x)(e) , and Native American students with intersecting identities, such as LGBTQIA+, visible and invisible disabilities, and

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Strategies for Supporting Historically Underrepresented Students

What do you feel are the best strategies for supporting historically underrepresented and underserved students? Specifically, what are the key factors that contribute to their success and the closing of equity gaps in the classroom, particularly for African-American, Latin(o)(a)(x)(e) , and Native American students with intersecting identities, such as LGBTQIA+, visible and invisible disabilities, and

Strategies for Supporting Historically Underrepresented Students Read More »

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