January 2025

Differences Between Colonization and Infection

Mortality and morbidity rates for infectious diseases vary greatly by geographical location. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics provide striking documentation that deaths due to infectious diseases are much higher in poor countries than in the countries with the highest income levels. It is particularly striking that malaria and tuberculosis are significant causes of death in low-resource […]

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Population Health and Epidemiological Data

Investigate population health and epidemiological data to learn about prevalent disease trends within your geographic region. Compare and contrast the prevalence of diseases in the selected region with disease rates and trends in a different geographic area of your choosing. Statistics from valid, reliable sources such as professional population health-focused organizations, governmental agencies, local and

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Explanation of Choice of Nursing Specialty within Program

Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member. Choosing a Nursing Specialty: Psychiatric

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Measurable Outcomes of Evidence-Based Change Implementation

Describe the measurable outcomes you hope to achieve with the implementation of this evidence-based change. Measurable Outcomes of Evidence-Based Change Implementation Implementing evidence-based changes in healthcare is critical to improving patient outcomes, streamlining processes, and addressing systemic inefficiencies. For any change to be successful, the outcomes must be clearly measurable to evaluate its effectiveness. In

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What results of Assessment Suggest about Health

Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace. Assessing the Health and Civility of the Workplace The health and civility of a workplace are critical indicators of its overall functionality and the well-being of its employees. A positive work environment fosters collaboration, mutual respect, and productivity, whereas

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Last Communicable Diseases Effecting your Community

What was the last communicable diseases effecting your community  ? The Impact of COVID-19 on My Community The last significant communicable disease that affected my community was COVID-19. First identified in December 2019, COVID-19 quickly became a global pandemic, profoundly impacting public health, economies, and social structures. My community, like many others, faced numerous challenges related

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Symptoms of Severe Dehydration

Patient Background: Maria, a 45-year-old female, presents to the emergency room with symptoms of severe dehydration following prolonged vomiting and diarrhea. Her lab results indicate the following: Serum sodium: Elevated (hypernatremia) Urine output: Low Heart rate: Elevated (tachycardia) Blood pressure: Low (hypotension) The attending physician has ordered an IV to address Maria’s dehydration and stabilize

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List the Four Overarching Goals

The Healthy People project is a collection of national health objectives that serve to inform community and public health departments by identifying preventable threats to health and establishing national goals to reduce health threats. Visit the Healthy People website at: http://www.healthypeople.gov. Click on Healthy People 2030 and locate answers to the following questions about the

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