Transition to Professional Level Role

  • You will use components from a model of transition as you discuss your reason for returning to school and your transition to the professional level role.

Discussion Prompt:   

  • Discuss your reason for returning to school and use components from the Bridges Model of Transition to reflect on your transition to the professional level role. You must use key points/components from Bridges Model of Transition to support your point of view as you answer the prompts below.
    • Why are you returning to school?
    • Using key points from the Bridges Model, where do you see yourself in transitioning to the professional level role?  What professional skills and characteristics will you need to develop in order to transition to the next level in the Bridges Model of Transition?
    • Provide rationale for your response with at least one scholarly source using an APA in-text citation and full reference.

Transition to Professional Level Role

Reason for Returning to School: I have made the decision to return to school in order to enhance my professional skills and further my career. There are several reasons behind this choice. Firstly, I recognize the importance of continuous learning and personal growth in today’s rapidly evolving job market. By acquiring new knowledge and skills, I can stay competitive and adapt to the changing demands of my field. Additionally, returning to school provides me with the opportunity to specialize in a specific area of interest and gain expertise that can set me apart from others in my profession. Moreover, I believe that investing in my education will open doors to new career opportunities and increase my earning potential in the long run.

Transition to the Professional Level Role: According to the Bridges Model of Transition, transitioning to a professional level role involves three key stages: endings, neutral zone, and new beginnings. Applying this model to my transition, I anticipate the following:

  1. Endings: This stage involves letting go of old beliefs, habits, and routines that are no longer relevant to the professional level role. In my case, I will need to recognize and overcome any outdated approaches or knowledge that may hinder my progress. This may involve unlearning certain practices and being open to new perspectives and ways of doing things.
  2. Neutral Zone: The neutral zone is a period of uncertainty and exploration where the old is gone but the new is not fully established. During this stage, I anticipate experiencing a mix of excitement and anxiety as I navigate through unfamiliar territory. It will be crucial for me to embrace this period as an opportunity for personal and professional growth. I will need to be adaptable, resilient, and proactive in seeking out new experiences and learning opportunities. Building a support network and seeking guidance from mentors or professionals in my field will also be essential during this phase.
  3. New Beginnings: This stage marks the successful transition to the professional level role. In order to thrive in this new phase, I will need to develop and refine specific professional skills and characteristics. These may include technical expertise, effective communication skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving capabilities, and a growth mindset. By continuously developing these skills, I can position myself for success and advancement in my chosen profession.

Rationale: According to Bridges (2004), the Bridges Model of Transition provides a framework for understanding the psychological and emotional aspects of personal and professional transitions. The model emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing the endings and uncertainties associated with transitions in order to successfully navigate and embrace new beginnings. By incorporating the components of the Bridges Model, I can approach my return to school and transition to a professional level role in a more structured and thoughtful manner, taking into account the emotional and psychological aspects of the process.

Reference: Bridges, W. (2004). Transitions: Making sense of life’s changes. Da Capo Press.

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