Formulating Personal Philosophy of Nursing

In this week’s discussion, you are formulating your personal philosophy of nursing. You are developing and sharing your ideas before you complete this section of the Professional Identity Assignment.

  • In a short paragraph share your personal philosophy of nursing.
    • State your personal philosophy of nursing.
    • How did your self-concept, values, and ethical principles contribute to the development of this philosophy?
    • Provide 2-3 professional examples that demonstrate your philosophy of nursing in your current practice as registered nurse in the medical surgical unit. Professional examples may include work experiences, past clinical experiences as a nursing student, or an example from a peer-reviewed journal article.
    • Provide rationale for your response with at least one scholarly source using an APA in-text citation and full reference.

formulating personal philosophy of nursing

My personal philosophy of nursing is rooted in the belief that nursing is not just a profession but a calling to serve and advocate for the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. I view nursing as a holistic and patient-centered practice that requires compassion, empathy, and a commitment to promoting health, preventing illness, and providing care that is evidence-based and culturally sensitive. As a nurse, I see myself as a partner in my patients’ journey towards healing and recovery, empowering them with knowledge and support to make informed decisions about their health.

My self-concept, values, and ethical principles have played a vital role in shaping this philosophy. Firstly, my self-concept as a caring and empathetic individual has driven me towards a career in nursing, as I find fulfillment in helping others during vulnerable times. Secondly, my values of integrity, respect, and dignity have laid the foundation for my patient-centered approach, ensuring that I treat each individual with the utmost respect and maintain their autonomy in decision-making. Lastly, my ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence guide me to prioritize my patients’ well-being and do no harm.

One professional example that demonstrates my philosophy of nursing is the way I prioritize patient education and advocacy in my current medical-surgical unit. For instance, when caring for a patient with a chronic condition, I take the time to thoroughly explain their treatment plan, potential side effects, and self-management strategies. This approach empowers the patient to actively participate in their care, leading to better health outcomes and increased patient satisfaction.

Another example that aligns with my philosophy is how I approach cultural diversity in patient care. During my clinical experiences, I encountered a patient from a different cultural background who had specific dietary preferences due to religious beliefs. Recognizing the importance of cultural competence, I worked with the healthcare team to ensure the patient’s dietary needs were accommodated while adhering to their treatment plan.

Rationale: My personal philosophy of nursing aligns with the nursing theory of “Transpersonal Caring” by Jean Watson, which emphasizes the importance of humanistic and holistic care that involves the nurse’s authentic presence, understanding, and deep connection with the patient. This theory resonates with my belief in patient-centered care and the significance of the nurse-patient relationship in facilitating healing.

Reference: Watson, J. (2008). The philosophy and science of caring. In M. C. Smith & P. R. Liehr (Eds.), Middle Range Theory for Nursing (2nd ed., pp. 25-44). Springer Publishing Company.

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