Sample Clinical Day

focus on clinical teaching and evaluation. The clinical environment is a place where students apply knowledge gained in the classroom. It is a critical component of nursing education. It takes great skill to be an effective clinical educator. For this assignment, you will build on the decisions you made in week 2 for the NUR 300: Foundations of Nursing course.  You will:

  1. Make general decisions about clinical policies and schedules.
  2. Describe a sample clinical day.
  3. Examine the instructor role in clinical teaching and evaluation.
  4. Complete a self evaluation.

At a minimum, use the Oermann and Billings texts plus two other sources from peer reviewed nursing journals to guide your decisions/rationales.

Cite any sources in APA format. Use in-text citations and add the references to the end of the clinical worksheet.

sample clinical day

Clinical Policies and Schedules:

  1. Orientation: Implement a comprehensive orientation program for students before they start their clinical rotations. Cover safety protocols, communication guidelines, and expectations for professional behavior.
  2. Clinical Hours: Determine the number of clinical hours required for the course, considering accreditation standards and students’ learning needs.
  3. Preceptorship: Establish a structured preceptorship program where experienced nurses mentor students during clinical placements.
  4. Grading Criteria: Define clear grading criteria for the clinical component, including attendance, participation, nursing skills demonstration, and reflective assignments.

Sample Clinical Day: Date: [Insert Date]

Clinical Location: [Insert Clinical Facility]

Instructor: [Instructor’s Name]

Students: [List of Students’ Names]

Clinical Shift: [Insert Shift Timing]

Sample Clinical Day Schedule:

  • [Time] – [Activity]
  • [Time] – [Activity]
  • [Time] – [Activity]
  • [Time] – [Activity]

Instructor Role in Clinical Teaching and Evaluation:

  1. Facilitator: Guide students in applying theoretical knowledge to real-world patient care situations. Encourage critical thinking and evidence-based practice.
  2. Demonstrator: Demonstrate nursing skills and techniques, ensuring students understand proper procedures.
  3. Coach: Provide constructive feedback and support to help students improve their clinical performance.
  4. Evaluator: Assess students’ clinical competence based on established criteria and provide timely evaluations.
  5. Collaborator: Collaborate with clinical staff and preceptors to enhance students’ learning experiences and ensure a cohesive clinical environment.


As the clinical instructor, I will critically assess my performance using the following criteria:

  1. Communication: Did I effectively communicate with students, clinical staff, and preceptors, ensuring clear instructions and expectations?
  2. Support: Did I provide adequate support and guidance to students during their clinical experience?
  3. Clinical Skills Demonstration: Were my clinical skills demonstrations clear, accurate, and aligned with evidence-based practice?
  4. Feedback: Did I provide constructive and timely feedback to help students improve their clinical performance?
  5. Flexibility: How well did I adapt to individual learning needs and address any challenges that arose during the clinical day?
  6. Evaluation: Did I use fair and consistent evaluation methods to assess students’ clinical competence?
  7. Self-Reflection: Have I reflected on my teaching methods and identified areas for personal and professional growth?


[Insert your references here, following APA format.]

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