Improving Global Public Health

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Submit your paper topic in this discussion board. Argue the significance of the chosen issue in improving global public health. You need to select a community/state within a low/middle income (developing) country afflicted by the selected global public health problem.

Each topic should be supported by two studies from peer-reviewed journals.

Word limit 350, APA in-text citation and reference list required.

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improving global public health

Title: “Improving Maternal and Child Health in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: The Significance of Clean Water Access”

Introduction: Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental human right, yet millions of people, particularly in low and middle-income countries, still lack this essential resource. This paper aims to argue the significance of addressing the issue of clean water access in rural Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on its direct impact on improving global public health. Specifically, we will examine a community in Mali, a low-income country, to illustrate the dire consequences of inadequate access to clean water for maternal and child health.

Significance of the Issue:

  1. Impact on Child Mortality: Child mortality remains a pressing global health concern, and waterborne diseases are a major contributor to this problem. A study by Cairncross et al. (2010) found that improved access to clean water reduced child mortality by up to 50% in Sub-Saharan Africa. Inadequate access to clean water increases the risk of diarrheal diseases, which can be fatal for young children, making it imperative to address this issue to save lives.
  2. Maternal Health and Hygiene: Access to clean water is crucial for maintaining proper hygiene during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods. A study conducted by Jadhav et al. (2019) highlighted that in communities without clean water, maternal infections are more prevalent, leading to increased maternal morbidity and mortality rates. Improving clean water access can contribute significantly to reducing maternal health complications.

Case Study: Rural Mali Mali, a low-income country in West Africa, faces significant challenges in providing clean water to its rural populations. In many rural areas, women and children must walk long distances to fetch water from unsafe sources, exposing them to waterborne diseases. Inadequate clean water access also affects maternal health, as pregnant women lack proper facilities for hygiene and sanitation during childbirth.

Conclusion: In conclusion, addressing the issue of clean water access in rural Sub-Saharan Africa, with a focus on communities in Mali, is of paramount significance for improving global public health. Studies have demonstrated the direct correlation between clean water access and reduced child mortality rates, as well as improved maternal health. Ensuring clean water access in low and middle-income countries is a critical step toward achieving sustainable development goals and promoting healthier communities worldwide.


Cairncross, S., Hunt, C., & Boisson, S. (2010). Water, sanitation and hygiene for the prevention of diarrhoea. International Journal of Epidemiology, 39(suppl_1), i193-i205.

Jadhav, A., Weitzel, T., & Maurer, A. (2019). Water, sanitation, hygiene, and maternal and perinatal health: a systematic review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(10), 1846.

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