Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns

For this assignment, identify an area of focus in community health within your own community.

Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework, assess the health risks in your community.

In your community assessment paper, include the following:

  • Identify resources in your community that would enable you to complete a community assessment and submit a summary of your findings (1–2 paragraphs).
  • Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns, and assess the strengths and concerns of your community (2–3 paragraphs).
  • Identify potential barriers to implementing community health plans in your community and brainstorm  ways of addressing these barriers (2–3 paragraphs).

Your paper should be 2–3 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages. Use APA throughout.

You must include 2–3 sources that are APA cited and referenced in your paper. (Sources may include community resources such as flyers, brochures, interviews, news stories, and local research data from credible sources.)

Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns

To start your community health assessment paper, let’s break down each section based on Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework:

1. Identifying Community Resources

Paragraph 1:

  • Introduction to Community Resources: Describe the community resources available for conducting a community health assessment. These could include local health departments, community health centers, public libraries, local government websites, and non-profit organizations that provide health services.

Paragraph 2:

  • Summary of Findings: Provide a brief summary of your findings from these resources. Mention any available statistics, health reports, or community health profiles that can give insight into the health status of the community.

2. Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns

Paragraph 1:

  • Community Strengths: Using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns, identify strengths in the community. This could include access to healthcare facilities, community engagement in health programs, availability of recreational facilities, and strong local health policies.

Paragraph 2:

  • Community Concerns: Highlight concerns in the community based on the same framework. This could involve high rates of chronic diseases, limited access to mental health services, inadequate nutrition programs, or low levels of physical activity among residents.

Paragraph 3:

  • Assessment of Strengths and Concerns: Analyze how these strengths and concerns impact the overall health of the community. Discuss how the strengths can be leveraged to address the concerns, and suggest areas that need improvement.

3. Identifying Potential Barriers and Solutions

Paragraph 1:

  • Potential Barriers: Identify barriers that might hinder the implementation of community health plans. These barriers could be financial constraints, cultural resistance, lack of awareness, or insufficient healthcare infrastructure.

Paragraph 2:

  • Addressing Barriers: Brainstorm and suggest ways to address these barriers. Solutions might include community education programs, seeking funding or grants, enhancing cultural competence among healthcare providers, and improving healthcare access through policy changes.

Paragraph 3:

  • Conclusion: Summarize the key points discussed in the paper. Emphasize the importance of community health assessments and the role of collaborative efforts in overcoming barriers and improving community health.


Ensure you include at least 2-3 credible sources in APA format. These can be community resources like flyers, brochures, interviews, news stories, or local research data.

Sample Paper Outline

Title Page


  • Brief introduction to the purpose of the paper and the use of Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework.

Identifying Community Resources

  • Describe available resources
  • Summary of findings

Community Strengths and Concerns

  • Community strengths based on health patterns
  • Community concerns based on health patterns
  • Analysis of strengths and concerns

Potential Barriers and Solutions

  • Potential barriers to health plan implementation
  • Solutions to address these barriers
  • Conclusion


Example Content

Identifying Community Resources

In my community, several resources can be utilized for a comprehensive health assessment. These include the local health department, which provides annual health reports, and the community health center that offers free health screenings and immunizations. The public library houses an array of health-related brochures and databases, and local non-profit organizations such as the Community Wellness Foundation provide valuable health education programs.

Upon reviewing these resources, it is evident that the community has robust mechanisms for disseminating health information. The local health department’s annual report reveals prevalent health issues such as diabetes and hypertension, while the community health center’s records show a high turnout for vaccination drives, indicating strong community participation in health initiatives.

Examples of Community Strengths and Concerns

A significant strength of our community is the availability of healthcare facilities. There are multiple clinics and a well-equipped hospital that offer comprehensive healthcare services. Furthermore, the community actively participates in health promotion activities, as evidenced by the high attendance at health fairs and fitness events organized by the local parks and recreation department.

However, there are concerns that need addressing. Despite the presence of healthcare facilities, there is a notable incidence of chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Additionally, mental health services are limited, and there is a growing need for more mental health professionals to cater to the community’s needs. Analyzing these strengths and concerns reveals that while the community is engaged in health promotion, there is a need to focus on preventative measures and mental health support.

Identifying Potential Barriers and Solutions

One potential barrier to implementing effective community health plans is financial constraints. Many residents lack adequate health insurance, which limits their access to necessary healthcare services. Cultural resistance is another barrier, as some community members may be skeptical of health interventions due to traditional beliefs.

Addressing these barriers requires a multifaceted approach. Increasing community awareness through education programs can help overcome cultural resistance. Seeking grants and funding from governmental and non-governmental organizations can alleviate financial constraints. Enhancing cultural competence among healthcare providers can also build trust and improve healthcare utilization.


In conclusion, conducting a community health assessment using Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns framework provides valuable insights into the strengths and concerns of the community. While there are notable strengths such as accessible healthcare facilities and community engagement, challenges like chronic diseases and limited mental health services need to be addressed. Overcoming barriers through education, funding, and cultural competence is crucial for the successful implementation of community health plans.

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