Categories of the New Innovations Funded

For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence-based guidelines as they pertain to the case below. Please make sure you are using scholarly references and they should not be older than 5 years. The post and references must be in APA format. Use at least 2 references.

Review the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) and identify the categories of the new innovations funded and tested by the Affordable Care Act.

categories of the new innovations funded

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation: Innovations Funded and Tested by the Affordable Care Act

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (CMMI), established by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, plays a pivotal role in transforming the healthcare system in the United States. CMMI was created to test and implement innovative healthcare delivery models aimed at improving patient outcomes, enhancing care quality, and reducing overall healthcare costs. This essay reviews the latest evidence-based guidelines pertaining to the categories of new innovations funded and tested by CMMI under the ACA.

Categories of Innovations Funded by CMMI

CMMI has been instrumental in funding and testing various innovations across several key categories. These categories include:

  1. Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs): ACOs are networks of doctors and hospitals that collaborate to provide coordinated care to patients. The goal of ACOs is to ensure that patients receive the right care at the right time while avoiding unnecessary services and medical errors. CMMI supports ACO models through initiatives like the Shared Savings Program, which incentivizes providers to reduce costs while improving care quality (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], 2021).
  2. Patient-Centered Medical Homes (PCMHs): This model emphasizes comprehensive primary care that is accessible, coordinated, and focused on patients’ needs. PCMHs aim to enhance the patient experience by providing personalized care and fostering strong provider-patient relationships. CMMI has funded programs to establish PCMHs that integrate behavioral health services, thus addressing both physical and mental health needs (National Academy of Medicine, 2020).
  3. Bundled Payments: This innovation involves paying healthcare providers a single payment for all services related to a specific treatment or condition, rather than paying separately for each service. Bundled payment models promote efficiency and encourage providers to work together to improve care quality. CMMI has tested various bundled payment initiatives, including the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) program, which aims to enhance patient outcomes while controlling costs (CMS, 2021).
  4. Value-Based Payment Models: CMMI has developed and tested numerous value-based payment models that shift the focus from volume to value in healthcare delivery. These models incentivize providers to deliver high-quality care rather than merely increasing the quantity of services. For example, the Quality Payment Program (QPP) evaluates provider performance based on patient outcomes, ensuring that reimbursement is tied to the quality of care provided (National Academy of Medicine, 2020).
  5. Health Information Technology (HIT) Initiatives: CMMI promotes the use of health information technology to facilitate better care coordination and improve patient engagement. Innovations in HIT, such as telehealth and electronic health records (EHRs), enhance communication among providers and between providers and patients, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes (CMS, 2021).


The CMMI plays a crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare delivery in the United States through the funding and testing of innovative models established under the Affordable Care Act. By focusing on categories such as ACOs, PCMHs, bundled payments, value-based payment models, and health information technology initiatives, CMMI aims to enhance the quality of care, improve patient outcomes, and control healthcare costs. The ongoing evaluation and refinement of these models will be essential for advancing the goals of the ACA and ensuring a sustainable healthcare system.


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2021). Innovation Center Models.

National Academy of Medicine. (2020). Patient-Centered Medical Home: A model for integrated primary care.

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