EHR for APN patient care

Using the list below of the attached 5 essential components prescribed by the IOM as the gold standards of an EHR, which represents the most important to support APN patient care. For each selection:

— In an ideal environment, how would the component support your role as APN (Provide examples of how you would use the component in your role)

–Explain how each chosen component contributes to improving patient outcomes and effective patient care.

The finished work should be no less than 8 full pages (excluding title, Abstract and reference pages), include peer reviewed references and follow all 7th edition APA Professional formatting.


1. In an ideal environment, how would the component support your role as APN (Provide examples of how you would use the component in your role)

2. Explain how each chosen component contributes to improving patient outcomes and effective patient care.

The resources for this assignment MUST be within the last 5 years ONLY. Also, ensure that you use in-text citation for all resources used.

EHR for APN patient care

Title: The Essential Components of Electronic Health Record to Improve Advanced Practice Nursing Patient Care


Advanced practice nurses (APN) play a crucial role in providing high-quality patient care. Electronic health records (EHRs) can enhance APN’s ability to deliver safe and effective patient care. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has identified five essential components of an EHR: patient portal, clinical decision support (CDS), electronic medication administration record (eMAR), computerized provider order entry (CPOE), and clinical documentation. This paper explores how each of these components can support APN’s role in patient care and how they contribute to improving patient outcomes.


Advanced practice nurses (APNs) provide direct patient care, manage and coordinate care, and provide education to patients and families. APNs are trained to provide evidence-based care, which requires access to accurate and up-to-date patient information. Electronic health records (EHRs) have the potential to improve APNs’ ability to deliver safe and effective patient care. The IOM has identified five essential components of an EHR that can support APN’s role in patient care: patient portal, clinical decision support (CDS), electronic medication administration record (eMAR), computerized provider order entry (CPOE), and clinical documentation. This paper explores how each of these components can support APN’s role in patient care and how they contribute to improving patient outcomes.

Patient Portal:

A patient portal is a secure online platform that allows patients to access their health information, including test results, medication lists, and visit summaries. In an ideal environment, the patient portal would support APN’s role by providing access to accurate and up-to-date patient information. For example, APNs can use the patient portal to review medication lists and ensure that patients are taking their medications as prescribed. The patient portal can also be used to communicate with patients and provide education about their health conditions.

The patient portal can contribute to improving patient outcomes by improving patient engagement and self-management. Patients who use the patient portal are more likely to be engaged in their care, which can lead to better adherence to treatment plans and improved health outcomes (Ronda et al., 2019). The patient portal can also improve communication between patients and healthcare providers, which can lead to better coordination of care and improved patient satisfaction.

Clinical Decision Support (CDS):

Clinical decision support (CDS) refers to tools that provide healthcare providers with evidence-based guidance for clinical decision-making. In an ideal environment, CDS would support APN’s role by providing access to the latest evidence-based guidelines and recommendations. For example, APNs can use CDS to identify the best treatment options for patients based on their medical history and current symptoms. CDS can also be used to identify potential drug interactions and alert APNs to potential adverse drug reactions.

CDS can contribute to improving patient outcomes by promoting evidence-based practice and reducing medical errors. APNs who use CDS are more likely to follow evidence-based guidelines, which can lead to better patient outcomes (Staggers & Thompson, 2019). CDS can also reduce medical errors by alerting healthcare providers to potential drug interactions and other safety concerns.

Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR):

An electronic medication administration record (eMAR) is a tool that allows healthcare providers to record medication administration electronically. In an ideal environment, eMAR would support APN’s role by providing real-time access to medication administration records. For example, APNs can use eMAR to review patients’ medication administration history and ensure that patients are taking their medications as prescribed. eMAR can also be used to identify potential medication errors and adverse drug reactions.

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