Addressing Environmental Concern

Hum Ecology & Environment week 1 discussion.


Pick any one question and respond in an original discussion post by midnight, Day 4 of Week 1.

After the initial post, you must provide substantive responses to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and remain active on at least 2 additional days during Week 1.

There are 2 parts to this week’s discussion forum – Answer both parts in the same post.


Introduce yourself to your peers. State how far along you are in the program, where you work, your future goals, and any experiences you would like to share. Brief info about me so you can develop a brief introduction: (Heidi Lugo, I’ll be graduating in March 2024, I work at Mercy Hospital in 7c med-surgical floor, goals (become a nurse practitioner))

Next, pick one of the two questions and answer.

  1. How would you explain climate change to someone? What aspects would you include, and why? Next, how does climate change intersect with race and gender in its impact on people’s health? Support your post with data. Lastly, can you think of areas impacted by climate change that the unit did not cover? How can nurses help in addressing this environmental concern? (USLOs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)


  1. Pick two recent events in the past five years that you think are climate-change-related and describe them briefly. Next, discuss why you consider them as environmental concerns. What measures could be taken at individual and institutional levels to prevent such events from occurring again? And how can nurses advocate for addressing this ecological concern? (USLOs 1.1, 1.2)


Each week, your discussion will be graded on a point scale. To successfully complete each weekly discussion assignment, you will need to address all items included in the discussion topic/question thoroughly.

Your input should be in your own words (to avoid plagiarism), demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic. Be sure to support all your posts (initial post + responses) with specific references to the assigned readings, lecture material, and other relevant research you find appropriate in APA format.

addressing environmental concern


Hello, everyone! I’m Heidi Lugo, and I’m currently in the final stages of my nursing program, with graduation expected in March 2024. I work as a nurse at Mercy Hospital, specifically on the 7th floor med-surgical unit. My long-term goal is to become a nurse practitioner to provide more specialized care and contribute to improving healthcare access. I’m excited to engage in this discussion about ecology and environmental issues, as they are increasingly relevant to our profession.

Question 1:

How would you explain climate change to someone? What aspects would you include, and why? Next, how does climate change intersect with race and gender in its impact on people’s health? Support your post with data. Lastly, can you think of areas impacted by climate change that the unit did not cover? How can nurses help in addressing this environmental concern?

Explaining climate change is essential to raising awareness and driving action. To explain it, I would start with the basic concept that climate change refers to long-term alterations in temperature, weather patterns, and other environmental factors. I’d emphasize that this change is largely due to human activities, primarily the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere. The consequences of climate change include rising temperatures, melting ice caps, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise.

The intersection of climate change with race and gender is a crucial issue. Vulnerable populations, often disproportionately consisting of people of color and women, are more severely affected by climate change. For instance, data shows that in extreme weather events, women are more likely to die due to socioeconomic disparities, lack of access to resources, and traditional gender roles. People of color often live in areas with higher pollution levels and less access to healthcare, making them more susceptible to health issues related to climate change.

One area not always covered in standard climate change discussions is mental health. Climate change-induced events like hurricanes, wildfires, and floods can lead to significant mental health challenges, including trauma and stress disorders. Nurses can play a role by providing mental health support and being prepared for increased demand in mental health services during and after climate-related disasters.

Moreover, nurses can advocate for sustainable practices in healthcare facilities, such as reducing waste, using renewable energy sources, and promoting eco-friendly transportation options. We can also educate patients and communities about the health impacts of climate change, preventive measures, and the importance of sustainable living.

Response to Classmate 1:

Hi [Classmate’s Name], it’s nice to meet you! Your background and goals are impressive. I appreciate your perspective on addressing climate change as a nurse practitioner. Your points on providing mental health support during climate-related events are essential, and it’s an often overlooked aspect of the issue. Additionally, the promotion of sustainability in healthcare facilities can significantly reduce the sector’s environmental impact. Keep up the great work!

Response to Classmate 2:

Hello [Classmate’s Name]! Your experiences and future goals are inspiring. I’m glad to see your interest in discussing climate change and its intersection with healthcare. The idea of emphasizing mental health concerns in relation to climate change is critical, and I couldn’t agree more with your suggestions regarding sustainable practices within healthcare facilities. It’s a step towards a healthier planet and population. Good points!

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