Advanced Practice in Primary Care: Pediatrics

NUR6150 Advanced Practice in Primary Care: Pediatrics
Signature Assignment
Understanding disease conditions specific to pediatrics is vital to ensure proper and timely
diagnosis and treatment to improve healthcare outcomes for the patient. The purpose of this
assignment is to evaluate one disease condition in the pediatric population and explore current
evidence-based guidelines and treatments to determine a proper plan of care.
This assignment will focus on the following course student learning outcomes (CSLO):
2. Develop advanced practice care plans to help manage the delivery of health care to
the pediatric client and family (EOPSLO# 3, 5, 6, 7).
3. Utilize relevant evidence-based research findings in the clinical management of the
pediatric client (EOPSLO# 1, 3, 4).
4. Integrate legal, ethical, socioeconomic, psychosocial, and cultural factors in the
delivery of health care to the pediatric client (EOPSLO# 2, 6).
6. Communicate practice knowledge effectively both orally and in writing (EOPSLO# 5).
7. Demonstrates information literacy skills in complex decision-making (EOPSLO# 1, 5).
Instructions: Please choose one pediatric health condition learned in the course. Once the
health condition is chosen, you are to write a three-to-five-page paper in APA format 7th edition
with the following sections and level 2 headings:
-Brief overview of pediatric health
-Introduce the disease condition chosen
-Importance of understanding the condition
Presentation of Condition
-Describe the condition chosen and its pathophysiology.
-What signs/symptoms are identified in the patient that can be found?
-Identify if there can be presentation variations based on culture, race, ethnicity, age, etc.
Diagnosis of Condition
-Diagnostic testing (include imaging, labs, and other necessary evaluations based on condition)
-Clinical evaluation via medical history and physical examination
Treatment of Condition
-Managing symptoms (if needed)
-Non-pharmacological treatments (if applicable)
Potential Health Risks if Left Untreated
-Physical and mental health risks
Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condition
-Choose one evidence-based treatment that has shown to improve condition within the last 5
-Briefly summarize the treatment and results.
-Recap points discussed in paper
-Importance of management and early diagnosis (if applicable)

Advanced Practice in Primary Care: Pediatrics

Title: Pediatric Asthma: Understanding, Diagnosis, and Evidence-Based Treatment


Pediatric health encompasses a wide array of conditions and diseases that affect children from infancy through adolescence. Understanding these conditions is crucial for healthcare providers to deliver effective care and improve patient outcomes. This paper will focus on pediatric asthma, a common chronic respiratory condition affecting children worldwide.

Presentation of Condition

Pediatric asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing, particularly at night or early morning. Inflammation leads to airway hyperresponsiveness, causing symptoms upon exposure to triggers such as allergens, respiratory infections, exercise, or irritants.

The pathophysiology involves a complex interplay of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. In susceptible individuals, exposure to triggers leads to airway inflammation, bronchoconstriction, and mucus production, resulting in airflow obstruction and symptoms.

Variations in asthma presentation may occur based on cultural, racial, and ethnic factors. Studies have shown differences in asthma prevalence, severity, and response to treatment among different racial and ethnic groups. Additionally, age-related factors such as immature immune systems in infants and toddlers can influence symptomatology and diagnosis.

Diagnosis of Condition

Diagnosis of pediatric asthma involves clinical evaluation through medical history, including family history of asthma or allergic conditions, and physical examination, focusing on respiratory symptoms and signs. Diagnostic testing may include pulmonary function tests (spirometry), which can assess lung function and bronchodilator responsiveness, and allergy testing to identify triggers.

Imaging studies such as chest X-rays are not typically indicated for asthma diagnosis but may be useful to rule out other respiratory conditions mimicking asthma symptoms.

Treatment of Condition

Management of pediatric asthma aims to achieve and maintain symptom control, prevent exacerbations, and minimize medication side effects. Treatment involves a stepwise approach based on asthma severity and control.

Medications commonly used in pediatric asthma include short-acting beta-agonists (albuterol) for quick relief of symptoms, inhaled corticosteroids (fluticasone, budesonide) as first-line maintenance therapy to reduce airway inflammation, and long-acting beta-agonists (salmeterol) or leukotriene receptor antagonists (montelukast) as add-on therapy for uncontrolled symptoms.

Non-pharmacological treatments include education on trigger avoidance, proper inhaler technique, and asthma action plans to empower patients and families in self-management.

Potential Health Risks if Left Untreated

Untreated pediatric asthma can lead to significant health risks, including recurrent exacerbations, impaired lung growth and development, decreased quality of life, and increased risk of hospitalization. Uncontrolled asthma may also contribute to school absenteeism, limitations in physical activity, and psychological distress.

Recent Evidence-Based Advancements in Condition

One evidence-based advancement in pediatric asthma treatment within the last five years is the use of biologic therapies targeting specific inflammatory pathways. For example, omalizumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting IgE, has shown efficacy in reducing exacerbations and improving asthma control in children with severe allergic asthma. Studies have demonstrated a reduction in exacerbation rates and improvement in lung function and quality of life with omalizumab treatment.


In conclusion, pediatric asthma is a common chronic condition with significant morbidity if left untreated. Early diagnosis and appropriate management are essential to minimize symptoms, prevent exacerbations, and improve quality of life for affected children. Recent advancements in treatment, such as biologic therapies, offer promising options for children with severe asthma. Healthcare providers must stay updated on evidence-based guidelines to deliver optimal care and improve outcomes for pediatric patients with asthma.


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