Advocacy for School Mental Health

The purpose of this assignment is to identify a health issue requiring advocacy from the nursing
profession on a local, regional, state, national, or international level. This topic can be related to
health promotion, population health, disease management, or patient safety in the community or
other healthcare setting. You are assuming the role of advocate in various capacities. The topic
you select for this paper will be the subject of your Policy Brief and Advocacy Letter
Assignment. Therefore, research thoroughly your topic of interest to ensure that it can be applied
across both assignments.
In this paper you will identify a health issue which may or may not already be represented in the
form of legislation or health policy. Individuals may just take a position on an issue affecting
local policy with decision makers.
An example of this with legislation includes:
• Health issue: primary care access for patients
• Health policy: increasing primary care providers using nurse practitioners; support of PA
HB 765 for CRNP independent practice
An example of this without legislation includes:
• Health issue: increased chronic back pain from integration of technology in healthcare
• Health policy: ergonomic evaluation of work environments for all employees; letter of
support to employers for new healthcare organization policy
Using APA format and criteria from the Grading
Rubric for Written Assignments, in 5 double spaced pages (excluding the title page and reference
page) present the following details:
Criteria for Your Advocacy as a Nursing Professional
Outline of health issue and existing or necessary health policy
and/or politics. Why is this significant to nursing?
List and discuss any other stake holders who would be concerned
with the health issue, in favor or opposition.
Propose a plan on this health issue advocacy:
• Effect of the health issue on health policy and politics

• Interventions to be implemented in this advocacy to enact
change; incorporate health politics as pertinent
• Identify opposition which can be encountered.

Advocacy for School Mental Health

Title: Advocacy for Improved Mental Health Services in Schools


In this paper, I will identify a health issue that requires advocacy from the nursing profession at a local, regional, and national level. The chosen health issue is the inadequate provision of mental health services in schools. Mental health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, and schools play a pivotal role in the lives of students. The lack of adequate mental health services in educational settings can have far-reaching consequences, making this issue significant to nursing.

Outline of Health Issue and Existing or Necessary Health Policy and Politics:

The health issue at hand is the insufficient availability and accessibility of mental health services in schools. Currently, many schools across the United States lack the resources and support necessary to address the mental health needs of their students effectively. There may be limited mental health professionals on staff, long waiting lists for counseling services, and insufficient awareness and education about mental health issues among educators and students. This issue is significant to nursing as it relates to the overall well-being of students, their academic performance, and their long-term mental health outcomes.

Existing Health Policy: Some federal and state-level policies exist to address mental health in schools, such as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which encourages the integration of mental health services. However, these policies often lack the necessary funding and specific guidelines to ensure adequate support.

Proposed Plan on Health Issue Advocacy:

Effect of the Health Issue on Health Policy and Politics:

In advocating for improved mental health services in schools, it is essential to recognize the potential effects on health policy and politics. This advocacy aims to:

  1. Raise Awareness: Advocacy efforts should aim to raise awareness about the significance of mental health in educational settings. By highlighting the impact of mental health on students’ academic performance and overall well-being, the advocacy can influence policymakers to prioritize this issue.
  2. Collaborate with Stakeholders: Nursing professionals should collaborate with various stakeholders, including educators, school administrators, parents, and mental health organizations, to build a united front for improved mental health services in schools.
  3. Policy Reform: The advocacy should focus on policy reform, pushing for increased funding and resources to support mental health services in schools. This may involve lobbying for amendments to existing policies or the creation of new legislation specifically addressing mental health in schools.
  4. Data Collection and Research: Nursing professionals can advocate for the collection of data and research on the effectiveness of mental health services in schools. This research can provide evidence-based arguments for the necessity of improved mental health services.

Interventions to Be Implemented in This Advocacy:

  1. Lobbying and Advocacy Groups: Nurses can form or join lobbying and advocacy groups dedicated to promoting mental health services in schools. These groups can work with policymakers to influence decisions.
  2. Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities to build support for mental health services in schools is crucial. Community members can attend school board meetings, write letters, and participate in grassroots efforts to push for change.
  3. Education and Training: Advocacy efforts can include providing education and training for educators and students on mental health awareness and the importance of seeking help when needed.
  4. Media Campaigns: Using media, such as social media, news outlets, and educational publications, to raise awareness about the issue can be a powerful advocacy tool.

Identify Opposition Which Can Be Encountered:

Opposition to this advocacy may come from various sources, including:

  1. Fiscal Concerns: Some policymakers and school administrators may argue that funding for mental health services is limited and should be allocated elsewhere.
  2. Stigma: There may be resistance due to the stigma associated with mental health issues, leading some to believe that discussing mental health openly in schools is inappropriate.
  3. Lack of Understanding: Some stakeholders may not fully comprehend the impact of mental health on students’ academic success and long-term well-being.
  4. Privacy Concerns: Concerns about student privacy and confidentiality may lead to opposition to the implementation of mental health services.


Advocacy for improved mental health services in schools is essential for the well-being and future of students. Nurses, as healthcare professionals, are well-positioned to lead and support this advocacy effort. By collaborating with various stakeholders, pushing for policy reform, and raising awareness, nursing professionals can play a significant role in addressing this critical health issue. Improving mental health services in schools is not just about policy; it’s about the overall health and success of our future generations.

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