Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations

Compare vulnerable populations. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations

Title: Comparative Analysis of Vulnerable Populations: A Focus on Homeless Individuals in the United States


Vulnerable populations are groups within society that face distinct challenges, making them more susceptible to adverse health outcomes and social injustices. This essay will compare and contrast vulnerable populations, with a particular focus on homeless individuals in the United States. Homelessness is a pervasive issue affecting thousands of people across the nation. This essay will explore why this population is designated as vulnerable, delve into the specific challenges they face, discuss their inability to advocate for themselves, address the ethical concerns associated with working with homeless individuals, and emphasize the essential role of nursing advocacy in supporting them.

Defining Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable populations are groups that are more likely to experience poor health outcomes due to various factors such as socioeconomic status, race, age, disability, or homelessness. These individuals often have limited access to healthcare, education, and social services, making them more susceptible to adverse circumstances and health disparities.

Homelessness in the United States

Homelessness is a critical issue in the United States, with approximately 580,000 people experiencing homelessness on any given night according to data from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 2020. This population is designated as vulnerable due to their lack of stable housing, which exposes them to numerous health risks, including exposure to harsh weather conditions, violence, malnutrition, mental illness, and substance abuse.

Challenges and Issues Faced by Homeless Individuals

Homeless individuals face a multitude of challenges that contribute to their vulnerability. These challenges include:

  1. Health disparities: Homeless individuals experience higher rates of chronic illnesses, infectious diseases, and mental health disorders due to inadequate access to healthcare and exposure to harsh living conditions.
  2. Economic instability: Lack of housing and stable employment makes it difficult for homeless individuals to escape poverty and improve their living conditions.
  3. Stigmatization: Homeless individuals often face discrimination and social isolation, exacerbating their difficulties in accessing resources and services.
  4. Food insecurity: Many homeless individuals struggle to find consistent access to nutritious food, leading to malnutrition and related health problems.
  5. Legal issues: Homeless individuals are at a higher risk of being involved in the criminal justice system, further exacerbating their vulnerabilities.

Inability to Advocate for Themselves

Homeless individuals are often unable to advocate for themselves effectively due to the challenges they face. These challenges include:

  1. Lack of resources: Homeless individuals have limited access to education, information, and communication tools, making it difficult for them to assert their rights and access social services.
  2. Marginalization: Society often marginalizes homeless individuals, leading to their exclusion from decision-making processes and policy development.
  3. Mental health issues: Many homeless individuals suffer from mental health disorders that impair their ability to advocate for themselves.

Ethical Issues in Working with Homeless Populations

Working with homeless populations presents ethical challenges that must be carefully considered. Some of these issues include:

  1. Respect for autonomy: Healthcare professionals must respect the autonomy and choices of homeless individuals, even if those choices differ from what professionals believe is in their best interest.
  2. Informed consent: Ensuring that homeless individuals fully understand their medical care and have the capacity to provide informed consent can be challenging due to mental health issues or substance abuse.
  3. Resource allocation: Ethical dilemmas may arise when healthcare resources are scarce, requiring careful consideration of how to distribute resources fairly among vulnerable populations.

Nursing Advocacy for Homeless Individuals

Nursing advocacy plays a crucial role in addressing the unique needs of homeless individuals. Nurses can advocate by:

  1. Providing holistic care: Nurses can address both the physical and mental health needs of homeless individuals, offering comprehensive care that acknowledges their vulnerabilities.
  2. Access to resources: Nurses can connect homeless individuals with social services, housing programs, and rehabilitation facilities to help them regain stability.
  3. Education and empowerment: By providing education on healthcare and resources, nurses empower homeless individuals to make informed decisions about their well-being.


Vulnerable populations, such as homeless individuals in the United States, face unique challenges that make them susceptible to adverse health outcomes and social injustices. These individuals often struggle to advocate for themselves due to various factors, including lack of resources and social marginalization. Ethical considerations are essential when working with homeless populations, and nursing advocacy plays a critical role in addressing their needs and improving their overall well-being. As a society, it is our moral obligation to recognize the vulnerability of these populations and work collaboratively to provide the necessary support and resources to mitigate their challenges.

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