Author name: Rose Wango

Culture Humility

write 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on your learning for the week In your experience, how have changes in healthcare affected nurses’ ability to provide person-centered holistic care? As you think ahead to your future practice as an NP, which of the concepts covered this week resonates most with you?  (I chose Culture Humility)  Why? How do

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Project on Ethical Issues

Project on Ethical Issues Unit 3: Introduction (Required Content) (1 of 4) Unit 3 Discussion: Diversity in the Workplace (2 of 4) Current Assignment: Unit 3 Assessment: Project on Ethical Issues, Assignment (3 of 4) Unit 3 Assessment: Shadow Health – Conflict Management, Assignment (4 of 4) Instructions Pick an ethical or legal issue in

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Myocardial Infarction (MI)

Week 3 Discussion: Myocardial Infarction (MI) (USLOs 1, 2, 3, 4) You are the nurse caring for a 48-year Leslie Collins, retired army officer for the United States military, He arrives to the emergency department after experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath.  His EKG indicated he had a myocardial infarction (MI). He has a history of

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Pain Management Protocol

For this assignment, you will write an introduction for postoperative pain control assignment as previously assigned. Research Question: “How does implementing a comprehensive pain management protocol affect postoperative pain control and patient outcomes?” Your Introduction must include: Your PICOT question. Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project: Provide an evidence-based explanation of why it

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Introduction for Postoperative Pain Control

For this assignment, you will write an introduction for postoperative pain control assignment as previously assigned. Research Question: “How does implementing a comprehensive pain management protocol affect postoperative pain control and patient outcomes?”   Your Introduction must include: Your PICOT question. Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project: Provide an evidence-based explanation of why

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Enteral Nutrition

Nutrition & Hydration/Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) After studying the course materials located on Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following: Cure / care: compare and contrast. Basic care: Nutrition, hydration, shelter, human interaction. Are we morally obliged to this? Why? Example Swallow test, describe; when is it indicated? When is medically assisted N/H indicated?

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