Author name: Rose Wango

Co-morbid Conditions

How would you use therapeutic communication and principles of cognitive behavioral therapy with the client? Describe your assessment process. What are some likely co-morbid conditions? List one nursing diagnosis and an appropriate nursing intervention. What interdisciplinary referrals might be appropriate? a 48-year-old divorced woman with one adult daughter and three grandchildren. She is currently […]

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Symptoms of Grief

Liam Neeson’s monologue in The grey – YouTube Identify the symptoms of grief in the individual(s) in the video that you watched, taking culture into consideration. Assess if the individual(s) in the video that you watched has a psychiatric illness or if their symptoms are within an adaptive range for grieving for that group/culture. Support

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Policy within National Population Health Initiative

Health Policy Analysis. The purpose of this section is to assess one current health policy pertaining to the health risks or disparity identified in the previous sections. Alignment of the health policy with national population health initiatives will be appraised. Students will develop one recommendation to reduce health risk or disparity and to promote health

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Gap and Recommendation for Change

Population-Level Health Intervention Analysis: The purpose of this section is to provide population-level interventions include strategies aimed at the promotion of health and prevention of disease that target the specific vulnerable population identified in Part 2. Population-focused interventions can be designed to reach at-risk populations, reducing health risks and disparities. However, population-focused interventions may also

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