Author name: Rose Wango

Therapist’s Role in Person-centered Psychotherapy

According to Carl Rogers, unconditional positive regard involves basic acceptance and support of a person, regardless of what the person says or does.  The therapist gives space for the client to express whatever immediate feeling is going on—confusion, resentment, fear, anger, courage, love, or pride. Discuss the role of the therapist’s personality in person-centered psychotherapy.

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Child Psychologists

In a well-written discussion, address the following: One common dilemma faced by child psychologists is determining who the “client” is. Given that children are typically brought to treatment by their parents, how would you handle a child who confides in you some illicit behavior and asks you not to tell his or her parents? Submission Instructions: Your initial

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Nurses Lobby Congress

On What Policy Issues Might Nurses Lobby Congress? What Strategies Might Nurse Use To Have Their Voices Heard? Rationale must be provided 400 words in your post Minimum of two (2) scholarly references in APA format within the last five years published Nurses play a crucial role in the healthcare system, advocating for the best

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