Cancer Symptoms and their Management

Module 01 Written Assignment – Cancer Symptoms and their Management

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Cancer treatment is very aggressive in nature. The treatment can lead to symptoms that range from uncomfortable to life-threatening. Complete the Cancer Symptoms Management Table


NUR2870_Module 01_Cancer Symptoms Management Table_v2.docx


Do not forget to include complementary alternative therapy that may help in symptom management.





Cancer Symptoms and their Management

Symptom Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics) Possible Nursing Diagnosis Interventions (including Medications and complementary alternative therapy)
















Cognitive disorders




Chemo Induced Nausea (CIN)
















Cancer Symptoms and their Management

Here’s a completed table for cancer symptoms and their management:

Symptom Clinical Manifestations (including Diagnostics) Possible Nursing Diagnosis Interventions (including Medications and complementary alternative therapy)
Anemia Fatigue, weakness, pallor Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements – Administer iron supplements or erythropoiesis-stimulating agents as prescribed. – Encourage foods rich in iron and vitamins (e.g., leafy greens, red meat). – Complementary therapies such as acupuncture or massage therapy may help alleviate fatigue.
Neutropenia Fever, chills, infections Risk for Infection – Monitor temperature regularly. – Administer prescribed antibiotics promptly. – Encourage good hand hygiene and infection control measures. – Complementary therapies like probiotics may support immune function.
Thrombocytopenia Petechiae, bruising, bleeding Risk for Bleeding – Monitor platelet counts regularly. – Avoid invasive procedures. – Apply pressure to any bleeding sites. – Transfusions of platelets may be necessary. – Complementary therapies such as herbal supplements like turmeric may help with clotting.
Neuropathy Numbness, tingling, pain Impaired Physical Mobility – Assess sensory changes regularly. – Provide education on foot care and safety measures. – Medications such as gabapentin or amitriptyline may help manage neuropathic pain. – Complementary therapies such as acupuncture or yoga may provide relief.
Cognitive disorders Memory loss, confusion, difficulty concentrating Impaired Memory – Provide a calm and structured environment. – Encourage cognitive exercises. – Medications such as memantine may be prescribed. – Complementary therapies like mindfulness meditation may help improve cognitive function.
Chemo Induced Nausea (CIN) Nausea, vomiting, anorexia Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements – Administer antiemetic medications as prescribed. – Encourage small, frequent meals. – Offer ginger supplements or ginger tea, which may help alleviate nausea. – Acupuncture or aromatherapy may also be beneficial.
Mucositis Painful sores, difficulty swallowing Impaired Oral Mucous Membrane – Provide oral care with gentle techniques. – Encourage hydration with non-irritating fluids. – Topical anesthetics or mucosal coating agents may be prescribed. – Herbal remedies like aloe vera gel may soothe oral mucosa.
Alopecia Hair loss Disturbed Body Image – Provide emotional support and counseling. – Educate on scalp care and options for wigs or head coverings. – No specific medications for prevention, but complementary therapies such as scalp massage may promote hair growth.
Pain Varies depending on location and type Acute or Chronic Pain – Assess pain using appropriate scales. – Administer analgesics as prescribed. – Non-pharmacological interventions such as relaxation techniques or heat/cold therapy may be beneficial. – Complementary therapies like acupuncture or music therapy may help manage pain.

Please note that this table provides general guidance, and specific interventions should be tailored to individual patient needs and in consultation with healthcare providers.

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