
moral resilience

After reading the Lachman article located in the resources section I want you to describe situations you may encounter as a new nurse that could impact your moral resilience. You may choose to include situations from your past.  As you think about these situations consider how you can build up your moral resilience.  The discussion […]

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left ear pain

An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging. Answer the following questions: What else should you ask the client? What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence

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familiar clinical practice

Think about a familiar clinical practice area where interest groups are attempting to bring about a change in clinical care or systems of service delivery.  Assume new, game-changing research finding are published and received wide attention.  Identify groups that might have an interest in these finding.  What are their likely reactions to new research? The

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Hypothesis Test Study

Describe a hypothesis test study that would help your work or conclusions in some way. Describe what variable would be tested and what would be your guess of the value of that variable. Then include how the result, if the null were rejected or not, might change your conclusions or actions in some way.  

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patient confidentiality

A nurse colleague uses his personal cell phone to take a photo of a patient’s wound and then sends a message with the photo to the primary care provider via a text. Please consider the following in your discussion post: What principles of patient confidentiality might be an issue? Consider legal and ethical. How might

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pharmacological legal process

Answer the following questions: Critically analyze the example of Evidence Base and offer your opinion in relation to nursing intervention (research article safety in medication administration: research on nursing practice and circumstances of errors, Scielo online magazine ISSN 1695-6141) Please make your opinion in 2 pages of writing. Mention the importance of nursing staff in

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metabolic acidosis

The patient, a 16-year-old high-school football player, was brought to the emergency room in a coma. His mother said that during the past month he had lost 12 pounds and experienced excessive thirst associated with voluminous urination that often required voiding several times during the night. There was a strong family history of diabetes mellitus

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frequent regurgitation of “sour” material

A 45-year-old woman complained of heartburn and frequent regurgitation of “sour” material into her mouth. Often while sleeping, she would be awakened by a severe cough. The results of her physical examination were negative. Studies Results Routine laboratory studies Negative Barium swallow (BS), p. 941 Hiatal hernia Esophageal function studies (EFS), p. 624 Lower esophageal

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trauma-informed care

“What is trauma-informed care?” from Trauma Matters Delaware. Respond in a minimum of 175 words by providing examples from your own experience or from an organization you are familiar with for each of the 4 Transitions: Trauma-Aware Trauma-Sensitive Trauma-Responsive Trauma-Informed “What is trauma-informed care?” from Trauma Matters Delaware. Respond in a minimum of 175 words by providing

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