
Behavioral risk factor surveillance system survey

Locate the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey for your state of residence. Identify the top three risk factors for your state and discuss some of the socio-behavioral reasons behind this. How would you use this data for planning in your health care agency?   Locate the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey for your state of residence. Identify […]

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Examples of epidemiologic tools and studies

Go to the and, then give examples of epidemiologic tools and studies which are used to inform international health policy. Choose one tool or study and provide a detailed description of its effectiveness in monitoring disease incidence and prevalence.   Go to the and, then give examples of epidemiologic tools and studies which are used to inform

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Difference between prevalence and incidence rates

Describe the difference between prevalence and incidence rates using the example of influenza. Discuss why this distinction is important.   Describe the difference between prevalence and incidence rates using the example of influenza. Discuss why this distinction is important. Describe the difference between prevalence and incidence rates using the example of influenza. Discuss why this

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Relevant characteristics of antibiotic resistance

Choose an antibiotic and critique its prophylactic, empiric, and therapeutic purposes.  Include relevant characteristics of antibiotic resistance.   Choose an antibiotic and critique its prophylactic, empiric, and therapeutic purposes.  Include relevant characteristics of antibiotic resistance. Choose an antibiotic and critique its prophylactic, empiric, and therapeutic purposes.  Include relevant characteristics of antibiotic resistance. Choose an antibiotic

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policies at organization related to antimicrobial

Choose an organism relevant/common to your area of practice that you have not chosen before in this course.  Discuss the policies and procedures established at your organization/place of practice related to antimicrobial use for the organism.   Choose an organism relevant/common to your area of practice that you have not chosen before in this course.  Discuss the

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emerging infectious disease responsible for infection outbreak

Go to the CDC website or to one of the infection control websites listed in the syllabus and research an emerging or re-emerging infectious disease responsible for an infection outbreak.  Provide a comprehensive overview of the pathogenesis pathway of the infection.  Use current literature and outline infection prevention and control measures for the disease you

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Choose infectious organism and explain its classification

Choose an infectious organism and explain its classification according to clinical, microbiological, transmission and reservoir categories.   Choose an infectious organism and explain its classification according to clinical, microbiological, transmission and reservoir categories. Choose an infectious organism and explain its classification according to clinical, microbiological, transmission and reservoir categories. according to clinical, microbiological, transmission and

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Define immunogenicity and provide example of organism

Define immunogenicity and provide an example of an organism which either promotes an immune response or a poor immunogenic response. Include any related vaccine immunization.   Define immunogenicity and provide an example of an organism which either promotes an immune response or a poor immunogenic response. Include any related vaccine immunization. Define immunogenicity and provide

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