Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Agreement

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

Download and complete the attached “Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Agreement” form. Fill out the agreement and upload the completed document to the assignment dropbox. This agreement pertains to the CLC – Health Care Organization Evaluation assignment, due in Topic 4.

This agreement is to be completed in a group, which will be determined and assigned by your instructor. This agreement will be submitted and graded as a group assignment.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education

This assignment aligns to AACN Core Competencies 2.9.


Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Agreement

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) agreement for the CLC assignment titled CLC – Health Care Organization Evaluation, due in Topic 4. This assignment is to be completed in a group, which will be determined and assigned by your instructor. This agreement will be submitted and graded as a group assignment.

CLC Course Information

Course Name/Section Number:  
Instructor’s Name:  
Start Date of the Course:  

CLC Member Contact Information

(Who is in our group?)

CLC Group Member’s Name Primary Email Address Phone Number

Team Member Roles

(Who is in our group?)

CLC Group Member’s Name Team Role (e.g., team leader, proofreader, reviewer of references/citations, manage PPT setup, researching)

Project Management Specifics

(What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)

CLC Group Member’s Name Task to Be Completed by This Team Member Due Date for Completing the Task for the CLC to Review

CLC Group Values

(What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)

What Each Team Member Agrees to Do Why This Is Important to the Team


CLC Group Interaction Guidelines

(How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)

What Could Happen to Impede Our Teamwork What We Will Do If This Happens

Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) Agreement

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