Concepts of Health Literacy

Health Promotion week 4 dropbox Health Literacy and Health Disparities Paper

***This assignment utilizes TurnItIn.  When you submit this assignment to the assignment drop box, it will automatically be submitted to TurnItIn.  You will receive an Originality Score along with an Originality Report that should be carefully reviewed.  If revisions need to be made to your assignment, you will be able to make additional submissions, and you will quickly receive updated Originally feedback. It is important to plan ahead so that you have enough time to review your originality feedback and make any revisions to your assignment before the final due date. Please see instructions for using TurnItIn in the Course Welcome module under Useful Resources.

How many submissions to TurnItIn are allowed?

  • For 3000 level courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)
  • For 4000 level courses, you will be allowed a total of two (2) submissions to TII (original plus 1 additional) (excluding elective courses LDR 4400, NSG 4310, NSG 4410, NSG 4430)
  • For elective courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)

NOTE:  If you must submit your assignment AFTER the due date, please refer to the RN to BSN Late Assignment Policy in the Syllabus for questions related to a request to submit a late assignment.


Using the concepts of health literacy and health disparities, you will develop a 2-3 page APA style paper (not including title and reference page) using the following criteria:

  1. Include a title page in APA format with a title, your name, institution and date.
  2. Write an introductory paragraph describing the topic and issue with a purpose statement at the end.
  3. Identify and describe the health disparities related to your Healthy People 2030 topic and objective.
  4. Discuss three healthcare strategies to minimize the impact of the disparities you identified. A scholarly or professional source must be used to support this section.
  5. Determine three evidence-based education strategies that will improve your patient’s health literacy and enhance understanding. A scholarly or professional source must be used to support this section.
  6. Write a closing paragraph that summarizes your paper.
  7. Include a reference page formatted in APA. In addition to the Healthy People 2030 website, use at least two scholarly sources dated within the past 7 years. You should have a total of 3 sources in this paper.

Proper grammar and sentence structure is required.

(USLOs 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.4)

concepts of health literacy

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