Conceptualization from a CBT Perspective

1-Write a case conceptualization (2-5 paragraphs) from a CBT perspective that includes a hypothesis. Do NOT include any multicultural factors.

2- Write another case conceptualization (2-5 paragraphs) from a multicultural perspective that includes a hypothesis. Focus on all multicultural and contextual factors associated with this case.

Both case conceptualizations (Word document, single-spaced, 12pt font,

conceptualization from a CBT perspective

CBT Case Conceptualization:

Case: Mary is a 28-year-old woman who presents with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. She reports excessive worry, restlessness, and muscle tension. These symptoms have been present for the past six months and are causing significant distress and interference with her daily life. Mary’s worry is often focused on her relationships, job, and health. She frequently experiences racing thoughts and has difficulty controlling her anxiety.

CBT Conceptualization: Mary’s anxiety can be understood within a CBT framework. Her automatic thoughts tend to be catastrophic, leading to excessive worry. For example, when Mary experiences minor relationship conflicts, she immediately assumes that her relationships are doomed. Her cognitive distortions, such as fortune-telling and catastrophizing, maintain her anxiety. These distorted thoughts are reinforced by her avoidance behaviors, such as withdrawing from social interactions to prevent potential conflicts.

Hypothesis: In Mary’s case, it is hypothesized that her anxiety symptoms are primarily driven by irrational thoughts and cognitive distortions. The treatment goal will be to identify and challenge these thoughts and develop more realistic and balanced thinking patterns. By teaching Mary cognitive restructuring techniques, her anxiety symptoms should decrease as she becomes more skilled in managing her catastrophic thinking and reducing avoidance behaviors.

Multicultural Case Conceptualization:

Case: Carlos is a 40-year-old Latino man who has been experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety. He reports feeling overwhelmed by his responsibilities at home and work. Carlos recently immigrated to the United States from Mexico and is facing acculturation stress. He is also struggling with discrimination and racism in his new environment, which has further exacerbated his emotional distress.

Multicultural Conceptualization: Carlos’s experience can be understood through a multicultural perspective. His acculturation stress, including challenges related to language, cultural adaptation, and discrimination, significantly impacts his mental health. The cultural stigma around mental health in his Latino community may contribute to his reluctance to seek help, as mental health issues are often seen as a sign of weakness.

Hypothesis: In Carlos’s case, it is hypothesized that his depression and anxiety symptoms are significantly influenced by acculturation stress and the experience of discrimination. The treatment approach should involve a multicultural and contextually sensitive therapeutic approach that acknowledges the unique cultural factors at play. By addressing acculturation stress and providing support to cope with discrimination, Carlos may experience relief from his symptoms. Additionally, cultural factors, such as involving his family or community resources, should be incorporated into the treatment plan to enhance his overall well-being.

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