Cost Effectiveness Analysis for Prevalence of Depression

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the ability to design a cost effectiveness analysis for an evidence-based practice project. Read the assignment in its entirety prior to initiating the activity. This assignment requires each student to provide an overview of a plan for measuring cost effectiveness in his/her project. The costs and benefits should be clearly connected to the project and to best practices in cost effectiveness analysis.

. A template table describing the elements of cost and benefit should be completed and attached to the post (form is posted in Week 3) The initial post should be 300 to 400 words long. The post should be written using the professional style described in the APA manual (6th ed.).

Note : My Project Topic is the Prevalence of Depression among Adolescents in the American Society.


Cost Benefit Analysis for [Selected Innovation]
Category Item Qty Price Total
Total Cost: $
Total Benefit: $

Cost Effectiveness Analysis for Prevalence of Depression

Cost-Benefit Analysis for Addressing the Prevalence of Depression among Adolescents in American Society


Category Item Qty Price Total
Staffing Mental health professionals for screening and counseling sessions 3 $50/hr $150/hr x hours required
Equipment Screening tools (e.g., PHQ-9) 1 $500 $500
Training Training sessions for staff on depression screening and counseling techniques 1 $1000 $1000
Other Administrative costs (e.g., paperwork, office supplies) $200 $200
Total Cost: $Total Cost


Category Item Qty Price Total
Improved Mental Health Reduced depression symptoms among adolescents Potential savings on healthcare utilization, increased productivity, and better academic performance
Prevention of Long-term Consequences Lower risk of substance abuse, self-harm, and suicide Potential savings on medical treatment, therapy, and societal costs
Increased Well-being Enhanced quality of life for adolescents and families Intangible benefits, difficult to quantify monetarily
Social and Economic Contributions Productive and engaged members of society Long-term benefits to the economy and community

Total Benefit:

  • While it’s challenging to quantify the exact monetary value of the benefits, they far outweigh the costs incurred in implementing the intervention.

Connection to Best Practices in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis:

  • The cost categories encompass essential aspects of implementing a depression screening and counseling program, ensuring that all relevant expenses are considered.
  • The benefits align with best practices by focusing on long-term outcomes such as improved mental health, prevention of severe consequences, and overall well-being.
  • The analysis acknowledges that some benefits are intangible, reflecting the complexities of assessing the full impact of mental health interventions.

In conclusion, while the upfront costs of implementing the depression screening and counseling program may seem significant, the potential benefits, both tangible and intangible, suggest that it is a worthwhile investment in the well-being of adolescents and society as a whole.

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