Ethical and Legal Analysis Issues

Assignment Details:

  1. Identify the principles of ethical reasoning in the article.
  2. Of the nine statements in the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics and Professional Standards, which ethical issues in the article are upheld? Did you note any theory–practice–ethics gaps? Link: Links to an external site.
  3. Using the MORAL decision-making model or the nursing process (ADPIE), analyze the ethical issue(s) in the article.
  4. Identify the legal issues in the article; explain the importance of separating ethical and legal issues in regard to decision making.
  5. Share which ethical perspectives most and least reflect your approach to ethical analysis and decision making.  Comment on the extent to which the ethical principles guide your practice, particularly when they are in conflict.



Bridges, L. (2021) COVID-19 Vaccination: Ethical ConsiderationsLinks to an external site.. American Association of Critical Care Nurses. (video and transcript).


Your paper must include:

  • Title Page
  • Introduction
  • Headings, subheadings
  • Conclusion
  • References, to include two or more scholarly references besides the course textbook.

Ethical and Legal Analysis Issues

Title: Ethical and Legal Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination: A Critical Examination


The COVID-19 pandemic has presented healthcare professionals with numerous ethical and legal challenges. The American Nurses Association (ANA) provides a Code of Ethics for Nurses that serves as a guiding framework for ethical decision-making in nursing practice. This essay examines an article titled “COVID-19 Vaccination: Ethical Considerations” by Linda Bridges, published in 2021 on the American Association of Critical Care Nurses website. In this analysis, we will identify the principles of ethical reasoning in the article, explore how the ANA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards are upheld or not, apply the MORAL decision-making model to analyze ethical issues, identify legal issues, and discuss the importance of separating ethical and legal concerns in decision-making. Additionally, we will reflect on our personal ethical perspectives and their impact on nursing practice.

  1. Principles of Ethical Reasoning:

The article by Linda Bridges delves into the ethical considerations surrounding COVID-19 vaccination. Key ethical principles addressed in the article include:

a) Beneficence: The article emphasizes the importance of healthcare professionals promoting the well-being of patients and communities by advocating for COVID-19 vaccination as a means to mitigate the spread of the virus and protect vulnerable populations.

b) Autonomy: The article acknowledges the importance of respecting individuals’ autonomy in making vaccination decisions while providing them with accurate information to make informed choices.

c) Justice: The concept of justice is discussed concerning equitable vaccine distribution to ensure that disadvantaged communities have access to vaccinations.

d) Non-maleficence: The article underscores the duty of healthcare professionals to do no harm, emphasizing the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

e) Fidelity: Nurses are encouraged to remain faithful to their professional obligations by promoting vaccination and adhering to ethical standards.

  1. ANA Code of Ethics and Professional Standards:

Of the nine statements in the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses, several ethical issues in the article align with the code. For instance:

a) Provision 1: The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person – aligns with the article’s emphasis on respecting individuals’ autonomy and making informed decisions about vaccination.

b) Provision 2: The nurse’s primary commitment is to the patient – relates to the article’s focus on promoting vaccination for the well-being of patients and the community.

c) Provision 4: The nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice; makes decisions; and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health and to provide optimal care – reflects the article’s call for nurses to advocate for vaccination as a means of protecting public health.

However, there may be theory-practice-ethics gaps in situations where nurses face resistance from patients who refuse vaccination, and balancing their autonomy with the duty to promote public health can be challenging.

  1. MORAL Decision-Making Model:

Using the MORAL decision-making model, which stands for Massage the dilemma, Outline options, Resolve the dilemma, Act by applying the chosen option, and Look back and evaluate, the ethical issue in the article can be analyzed systematically. Nurses facing ethical dilemmas related to COVID-19 vaccination can apply this model to carefully assess the situation, explore various options, resolve the ethical conflict, take appropriate action, and later evaluate the outcomes of their decisions.

  1. Legal Issues and Separation from Ethical Issues:

Legal issues related to COVID-19 vaccination include vaccine mandates, informed consent, and liability concerns. It is crucial to separate ethical and legal issues when making decisions. While ethical considerations guide nurses’ moral compass and professional conduct, legal issues pertain to compliance with specific laws and regulations. Ethical principles should ideally inform decision-making, but legal obligations must also be met to avoid potential legal consequences.

  1. Personal Ethical Perspectives:

Personal ethical perspectives vary among individuals. Some may lean more towards deontology, prioritizing adherence to rules and duties, while others may adopt a utilitarian approach, focusing on the greatest good for the greatest number. Personally, my approach to ethical analysis and decision-making aligns closely with a combination of deontology and utilitarianism. I believe in upholding ethical principles but also recognize the importance of considering the consequences of actions on the well-being of patients and society as a whole. However, there can be instances where these perspectives conflict, requiring careful consideration and balancing of principles.


The article “COVID-19 Vaccination: Ethical Considerations” by Linda Bridges highlights the ethical principles of beneficence, autonomy, justice, non-maleficence, and fidelity in the context of COVID-19 vaccination. It also aligns with several provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses. Nurses facing ethical dilemmas related to vaccination can apply the MORAL decision-making model to guide their decision-making process. Additionally, it is essential to differentiate between ethical and legal issues when making decisions in healthcare. Personal ethical perspectives play a significant role in guiding nursing practice, and nurses must navigate conflicts by considering the broader ethical framework and their professional obligations.

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