Ethical Issues Related to Principles of Distributive Justice

For the discussion this week on ethics in influencing policy and politics, please consider the section Allocation of Scarce Resources pgs. 116-119 in the book Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care 8th Edition. Include the following in your initial posting:

  • Consider the principles of distributive justice on page 116. What are some of the ethical issues that arise related to two of these principles? Name the principle and then discuss the ethical issue.
  • Answer the reflective question on page 117, regarding mental health impairments in a state without an outpatient treatment program as a member of the Emergency Nurses Association.

Be sure to include the complete APA 7th edition reference citation for chapter 18 including Chapter author(s), name of chapter and pages, IN editor names, text name, publisher and year.

Ethical Issues Related to Principles of Distributive Justice

Title: Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care, 8th Edition Chapter 18: Allocation of Scarce Resources Author: Diana J. Mason, Judith K. Leavitt, Mary W. Chaffee Editors: Diana J. Mason, Judith K. Leavitt, Mary W. Chaffee Book Title: Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care Publisher: Elsevier Year: 2022

Ethical Issues Related to Principles of Distributive Justice:

  1. Principle of Equality: This principle suggests that resources should be distributed equally among all individuals, regardless of their needs or other factors. However, in practical terms, achieving absolute equality can be challenging and may lead to ethical issues. For instance, in healthcare, providing equal access to scarce medical resources such as organs for transplantation might raise questions about fairness. Should a person who has contributed more to society be given priority over someone else solely based on their status or contributions? This raises ethical dilemmas regarding fairness and meritocracy.
  2. Principle of Equity: Equity implies fairness and justice in resource distribution based on individual needs, circumstances, and contributions. However, determining what constitutes equitable distribution can be complex and contentious. One ethical issue that arises is the challenge of accurately assessing individuals’ needs and contributions. In healthcare, for example, allocating limited resources such as vaccines during a pandemic based on individuals’ health conditions or socio-economic status may raise concerns about discrimination or exacerbating existing inequalities.

Reflective Question:

As a member of the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), considering the lack of outpatient treatment programs for mental health impairments in a state raises significant ethical concerns. The reflective question on page 117 prompts critical thinking about the ethical implications of this situation. Emergency departments often serve as the primary point of contact for individuals experiencing mental health crises due to the absence of adequate outpatient resources. As an ENA member, one must grapple with ethical dilemmas surrounding resource allocation and patient care. For instance, how should emergency nurses prioritize care for individuals with mental health impairments in the absence of outpatient treatment programs? What steps can be taken to advocate for policy changes and allocate resources more equitably to address this issue?

APA 7th Edition Reference Citation:

Mason, D. J., Leavitt, J. K., & Chaffee, M. W. (2022). Allocation of Scarce Resources. In D. J. Mason, J. K. Leavitt, & M. W. Chaffee (Eds.), Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care (8th ed., pp. 116-119). Elsevier.

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