Geriatric Patients with Chronic Diseases

Geriatric questions

What has your nursing experience been with people age 65 and older? What do you anticipate learning in the course: Primary Healthcare of Chronic Clients/Families Across The Lifespan-Clinical Practicum! regarding geriatric patients? Citation and reference are required.

Note: You can be creative ,my geriatric patients suffer from chronic disease like diabetes type II and some of them have complications as renal failure and diabetes neuropathy, other patients have his diabetes well controlled. Other chronic diseases they suffer are hypertension, arthritis, asthma, disc herniating back pain, etc


APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 250, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

geriatric patients with chronic diseases

Geriatric questions

What has your nursing experience been with people age 65 and older? What do you anticipate learning in the course: Primary Healthcare of Chronic Clients/Families Across The Lifespan-Clinical Practicum! regarding geriatric patients? Citation and reference are required.

Note: You can be creative ,my geriatric patients suffer from chronic disease like diabetes type II and some of them have complications as renal failure and diabetes neuropathy, other patients have his diabetes well controlled. Other chronic diseases they suffer are hypertension, arthritis, asthma, disc herniating back pain, etc


APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 250, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

Geriatric questions

What has your nursing experience been with people age 65 and older? What do you anticipate learning in the course: Primary Healthcare of Chronic Clients/Families Across The Lifespan-Clinical Practicum! regarding geriatric patients? Citation and reference are required.

Note: You can be creative ,my geriatric patients suffer from chronic disease like diabetes type II and some of them have complications as renal failure and diabetes neuropathy, other patients have his diabetes well controlled. Other chronic diseases they suffer are hypertension, arthritis, asthma, disc herniating back pain, etc


APA format with intext citations

Word count minimum of 250, not including references.

References: 2 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.

Plagiarism free.

Turnitin receipt.

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