Healthy People 2030 Goal

The purpose of this assignment is to identify health objectives from Healthy People 2030 that will impact health outcomes through population-level health assessment and intervention. This assignment will allow for a discovery of a selected practice problem, encompassing social determinant risk factors, an evidence-based population health intervention, and relevant measurable goals and objectives.

For this assignment, each group will:

  • Provide a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem.
  • Identify three social determinant risk factors for the selected practice problem.
  • Based on the health risk/problem identified, describe the strategies/methods that you will implement. Focus on primary and secondary prevention strategies. Refer to Healthy People 2030 Topics and Objectives. You may access the website at:
  • Describe a related Healthy People 2030 Goal and how it correlates with the selected practice problem.
  • Describe one evidence-based intervention to address the Healthy People 2030 goal.
  • Define one measurable objective to address the Healthy People 2030 goal. This is a GROUP assignment. Groups have been randomly assigned and the group assignments have been posted in Moodle. Submissions will be made via Moodle link. Only one submission per group.


GROUP PAPER DUE DATE: Week 9, Saturday by 23:59 pm

Complete the paper according to APA 7th Edition Guidelines as a word-processed document. Students are strongly encouraged to use the MRU Library & Learning Resource Center for support in writing your paper. For more information, please contact the library at The paper is limited to a MAXIMUM of Ten (10) pages (including the title page and references pages; NO Abstract is needed for this assignment). You must provide a minimum of 5 scholarly references. References may not be older than 5 years. Do not exceed the ten-page limit as only ten pages will be read and graded. The paper must be double-spaced using font size 12 (including the reference page). Refer to Moodle for the grading rubric.

  • Provide a brief statement introducing the selected practice problem.

Healthy People 2030 Goal


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