Healthy People 2030 matrix

Healthy People 2030 matrix

Healthy People 2030 Matrix

1. Objective

  • Description: Brief description of the objective.
  • Category: Health condition, behavior, population, setting, or system.
  • Baseline: Initial statistics or data when the objective was set.
  • Target: Desired outcome or improvement.
  • Current Status: Latest data or progress toward the target.
  • Interventions: Strategies or actions to achieve the objective.

2. Key Focus Areas

  • Health Conditions
    • Heart Disease
      • Objective: Reduce the number of adults with high blood pressure.
      • Category: Health Condition
      • Baseline: 74.5% of adults aged 18 years and over in 2017-18.
      • Target: 71.5%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Lifestyle modifications, medications, community programs.
  • Mental Health
    • Objective: Reduce the suicide rate.
      • Category: Health Condition
      • Baseline: 14.2 suicides per 100,000 population in 2018.
      • Target: 12.8 per 100,000.
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Counseling, crisis intervention, public awareness campaigns.
  • Diabetes
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of adults with diabetes who have a healthy A1c level.
      • Category: Health Condition
      • Baseline: 48.3% of adults with diabetes had an A1c value less than 8% in 2013-16.
      • Target: 53.6%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Diet and exercise programs, medication adherence, patient education.

3. Health Behaviors

  • Nutrition and Weight Status
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of adults who meet the recommendations for aerobic physical activity and muscle-strengthening activity.
      • Category: Health Behavior
      • Baseline: 24.3% of adults aged 18 years and over in 2018.
      • Target: 28.4%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Community fitness programs, workplace wellness initiatives, public health campaigns.
  • Tobacco Use
    • Objective: Reduce current cigarette smoking in adults.
      • Category: Health Behavior
      • Baseline: 14.0% of adults aged 18 years and over in 2018.
      • Target: 5.0%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Smoking cessation programs, policy changes, health education.

4. Populations

  • Children
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of children and adolescents who receive a preventive dental visit in the past year.
      • Category: Population
      • Baseline: 83.8% of children aged 2-17 years in 2016-17.
      • Target: 91.3%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: School dental programs, insurance coverage, public health initiatives.
  • Older Adults
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of adults aged 65 years and older who are up to date on a core set of clinical preventive services.
      • Category: Population
      • Baseline: 43.9% of adults aged 65 years and over in 2018.
      • Target: 47.9%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Medicare coverage, community health programs, patient education.

5. Settings and Systems

  • Workplace
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of worksites that offer an employee health promotion program.
      • Category: Setting
      • Baseline: 46.0% of worksites in 2017.
      • Target: 55.0%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Employer incentives, wellness program development, policy support.
  • Healthcare System
    • Objective: Increase the proportion of persons with medical insurance.
      • Category: System
      • Baseline: 89.0% of persons in 2018.
      • Target: 92.0%
      • Current Status: (Provide latest data)
      • Interventions: Healthcare reform, policy advocacy, public awareness.

Instructions for Using the Matrix

  1. Identify Objectives: Select relevant Healthy People 2030 objectives that align with your focus area.
  2. Gather Data: Obtain the baseline, target, and current status data from reliable sources.
  3. Analyze Interventions: Explore and describe effective interventions to meet the targets.
  4. Update Regularly: Keep the matrix current with the latest data and progress updates.

This matrix can be used as a reference tool for tracking progress and planning public health strategies in alignment with the Healthy People 2030 goals.

Healthy People 2030 matrix
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