How you Will utilize the IOM Nursing Reports

1. The president and the governor are referred to as the chief administrative or executive officers of the country and state, respectively. Analyze the differences and similarities in the roles and responsibilities of the respective heads of these executive branches.

2. Advocacy and public health nursing intersect in many ways. What are some specific examples that demonstrate how public health benefited from the advocacy provided by nurses?

3. Describe how you will utilize and implement the IOM Nursing Reports from 2010 and 2016 in your role as an Advanced Practice Nurse.

How you Will utilize the IOM Nursing Reports

1. Differences and Similarities in Roles of the President and Governor


  • Chief Executive Authority: Both oversee the executive branches, enforce laws, and manage budgets within their jurisdictions (federal for the president and state for the governor).
  • Policy Leadership: Both can propose policies, advocate for legislative changes, and set agendas aligned with their platforms.
  • Commander-in-Chief Role: The president commands the armed forces, while governors oversee state National Guards.
  • Appointment Powers: Each appoints officials and leaders for various governmental departments, subject to approval (Senate for the president; state legislature for governors).
  • Emergency Management: Both play crucial roles in responding to crises, such as natural disasters, with resources allocated accordingly.


  • Scope of Power: The president’s power is national and often international, while a governor’s power is confined to their state.
  • Legislative Interaction: The president works with Congress, while governors collaborate with state legislatures, leading to varying dynamics and priorities.
  • Judicial Appointments: The president nominates Supreme Court and federal judges, whereas governors appoint state judges, often with more localized political considerations.
  • Budget Influence: The federal budget is broader and subject to Congress, while governors have direct influence over state budgets and priorities.

2. Advocacy and Public Health Nursing

Nurses’ advocacy efforts have significantly influenced public health outcomes:

  • Vaccination Campaigns: Nurses’ involvement in advocacy campaigns like the eradication of smallpox and the promotion of COVID-19 vaccinations showcases their leadership in public health initiatives.
  • Smoking Cessation Advocacy: Public health nurses pushed for anti-tobacco policies, contributing to laws restricting smoking in public spaces and raising awareness about smoking-related health risks.
  • HIV/AIDS Awareness: Nurses advocated for funding and education on prevention and care, helping reduce stigma and improve treatment access during the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
  • Health Equity Efforts: Advocacy for underserved communities has led to mobile health units and increased access to preventive care.

3. Implementing IOM Nursing Reports in Advanced Practice Nursing

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) Reports from 2010 (“The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health”) and 2016 (“Assessing Progress on the IOM Report”) offer a framework for Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs):

  • Expanding Practice Authority: Advocate for full practice authority in states where APNs face restrictions, aligning with the recommendation for nurses to practice to the full extent of their education.
  • Fostering Leadership Roles: Assume leadership positions in healthcare organizations and policymaking bodies to influence systemic change.
  • Lifelong Learning: Pursue continuing education and specialty certifications to ensure skills remain current, as outlined in the reports’ focus on education.
  • Interprofessional Collaboration: Work collaboratively with other health professionals to deliver patient-centered care and improve health outcomes.
  • Addressing Health Disparities: Integrate strategies to reduce inequities in healthcare access, using data-driven approaches recommended by the reports.

By embedding these principles into daily practice, APNs can help advance healthcare reform, improve patient outcomes, and promote nursing as a pivotal force in the healthcare landscape.

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