iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Week 2 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Your Name

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

Course Number: Course Name

Name of Instructor

Assignment Due Date

Week 2 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Please read the assignment guidelines and rubric. Respond substantively to each self-reflection question below. Write on this template.

  1. Assess your ability to gather information on your client within the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter.
    1. Use the iHuman score sheet to review your results for the focused health history and focused physical exam. How did you perform?
    1. What did you find easy or difficult about navigating through the focused health history and focused physical exam sections of the case?
    1. Describe one strategy to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter.

iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Week 2 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Your Name

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

Course Number: Course Name

Name of Instructor

Assignment Due Date

Week 2 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Please read the assignment guidelines and rubric. Respond substantively to each self-reflection question below. Write on this template.

  1. Assess your ability to gather information on your client within the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter.
    1. Use the iHuman score sheet to review your results for the focused health history and focused physical exam. How did you perform?
    1. What did you find easy or difficult about navigating through the focused health history and focused physical exam sections of the case?
    1. Describe one strategy to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter.

Week 2 iHuman Assignment Reflection Worksheet

Your Name

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

Course Number: Course Name

Name of Instructor

Assignment Due Date

Please read the assignment guidelines and rubric. Respond substantively to each self-reflection question below. Write on this template.

  1. Assess your ability to gather information on your client within the iHuman Virtual Patient Encounter.
    1. Use the iHuman score sheet to review your results for the focused health history and focused physical exam. How did you perform?
    1. What did you find easy or difficult about navigating through the focused health history and focused physical exam sections of the case?
    1. Describe one strategy to improve your performance in the next Virtual Patient Encounter.
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