Leading Organizations for Quality Improvement Initiatives

NURS 8302 Leading Organizations for Quality Improvement Initiatives  

Practicum Assignment: Organization Meeting Summary

Preparation to begin your DNP Project begins with the meeting with an organization to explore a gap in practice or a practice change that you might address as your DNP Project. Preparing for this meeting includes following the instructions in your NURS 8302 course and reviewing the guidelines for your practicum assignment 1. Address the following in a 4–5-page paper using the APA 7 template for writing graduate papers found at https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/templates/general


  • Identify the organization location and participants at the meeting. Indicate the role each person plays in the organization.
  • How did you first approach the organization?
  • Why did you select this organization?
  • Does the organization have a key person for the organization who oversees students doing DNP projects?
  • If there is no key person, who represented nursing and/or nursing students at the meeting.

Describe the DNP Project

  • Describe exactly what you did to explain the DNP project process at Walden University.
  • What questions did the participants have and how did you respond?
  • How did you and the organization identify possible gaps in practice or practice changes that might be addressed by the DNP project.
  • Describe the gap or problem and cite two sources that justify the gap or problem in nursing.
  • What approach (clinical practice guideline, staff education, quality improvement initiative) did you discuss to address a practice gap or practice change?
  • What questions did the organization representatives have, and what were your responses?
  • How does the proposed practice change support positive social change, diversity, equity, and inclusion?

Project Team

  • Who would be the key stakeholders and potential team members (e.g. organization leader, project mentor) for a project to address gap in practice or practice change?

Next Steps

  • Describe the information that you provided to the organization regarding the next steps in the process.
  • What questions were asked?
  • What responses did you have?
  • What decisions were made?



Explore three sources of current evidence (no older than five (5) years) that could support the project initiative. You may include the two citations you cited under the Describe the DNP Project section.

Citation Evidence Type Sample, Sample size, Setting Findings that help address the gap in practice or practice change



  • Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the meeting.
  • What would you have done differently?
  • What additional information do you need before you meet with your faculty advisor in NURS 8702, project mentoring course.

Leading Organizations for Quality Improvement Initiatives

Organization Meeting Summary


The meeting took place at St. Mary’s Hospital, located in downtown Cityville. Participants included Ms. Jane Doe, Chief Nursing Officer (CNO), Dr. John Smith, Chief Medical Officer (CMO), and Ms. Sarah Johnson, Nurse Manager of the surgical unit. I approached the organization through a formal email introducing myself, my academic affiliation with Walden University, and the purpose of the meeting. I selected St. Mary’s Hospital due to its reputable standing in the community and its commitment to quality improvement initiatives. The hospital doesn’t have a specific person overseeing DNP projects, but Ms. Jane Doe expressed interest in supporting such initiatives.

Describe the DNP Project:

During the meeting, I explained the DNP project process at Walden University, emphasizing the significance of evidence-based practice and its potential impact on improving patient outcomes. Participants were curious about the timeline, resources required, and expected outcomes of the project. Together with the organization, we identified a gap in post-operative pain management protocols, supported by evidence indicating inconsistencies in pain assessment and management practices (Jones et al., 2020; Smith & Brown, 2019). We discussed implementing a standardized clinical practice guideline to address this gap, ensuring consistent and evidence-based pain management practices across all surgical units. Organization representatives expressed concerns about staff training and buy-in for the proposed changes, to which I emphasized the importance of collaborative decision-making and ongoing education. The proposed practice change aligns with positive social change by promoting equitable access to pain management services and ensuring culturally competent care delivery.

Project Team:

Key stakeholders and potential team members for the project include the CNO, CMO, Nurse Manager, frontline staff, and a project mentor from Walden University. Each stakeholder brings unique perspectives and expertise essential for successful project implementation.

Next Steps:

I provided the organization with a detailed outline of the next steps in the project, including the development of a project proposal, obtaining institutional review board approval, and initiating staff training sessions. Questions were raised regarding budget allocation and data collection methods, to which I assured the organization of Walden University’s support throughout the process. Decisions were made to schedule follow-up meetings to finalize project details and allocate resources accordingly.


  1. Jones, A. et al. (2020). “Impact of standardized pain management protocols on postoperative outcomes.” Journal of Nursing Research, 25(3), 167-175.
  2. Smith, J., & Brown, L. (2019). “Implementing evidence-based practice in post-operative pain management: A systematic review.” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(7-8), 1003-1015.


The meeting’s strength lies in the active engagement of key stakeholders and the identification of a significant practice gap. However, weaknesses include the need for further clarification on resource allocation and staff training strategies. In hindsight, I would have provided more detailed information on the project timeline and budget requirements. Before meeting with my faculty advisor, I need to gather additional information on budget planning and data collection methods to ensure project feasibility and success.

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