Level of Evidence for the Research Article Selected

  • Where you are from?
  • Any hobbies that you enjoy.
  • What your current nursing role is.
  • What you hope to gain from this class.

Review the Galen Library Orientation Video and complete a search based on any nursing topic for one peer-reviewed scholarly research article published in a nursing journal this yearSupport your response by citing and referencing the scholarly research article.

  1. Explain whether the selected article is original/primary or secondary research.
  2. State the level of evidence for the research article you selected.
  3. Discuss the importance of the levels of evidence and explain whether or not the article you selected is a good choice for the use of research, and why?

level of evidence for the research article selected

  • Where you are from?
  • Any hobbies that you enjoy.
  • What your current nursing role is.
  • What you hope to gain from this class.

Review the Galen Library Orientation Video and complete a search based on any nursing topic for one peer-reviewed scholarly research article published in a nursing journal this yearSupport your response by citing and referencing the scholarly research article.

  1. Explain whether the selected article is original/primary or secondary research.
  2. State the level of evidence for the research article you selected.
  3. Discuss the importance of the levels of evidence and explain whether or not the article you selected is a good choice for the use of research, and why?
  • Where you are from?
  • Any hobbies that you enjoy.
  • What your current nursing role is.
  • What you hope to gain from this class.

Review the Galen Library Orientation Video and complete a search based on any nursing topic for one peer-reviewed scholarly research article published in a nursing journal this yearSupport your response by citing and referencing the scholarly research article.

  1. Explain whether the selected article is original/primary or secondary research.
  2. State the level of evidence for the research article you selected.
  3. Discuss the importance of the levels of evidence and explain whether or not the article you selected is a good choice for the use of research, and why?
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