Logic Model Outline Design

Use this template to help you design the logic model outline for your program plan. Fill in the information identified in each section of the outline’s bracketed text, and then delete the bracketed text before submitting this outline for grading. Note: You will not complete the Feedback Loops, Assumptions, and External Barriers at this time. Those spaces are included so that you can view the entire model structure.


Program Title: [Insert program title.]


Program Goal: [Insert program goal.]


Inputs or Resources Activities or Work Products Outcomes
[Insert all inputs or resources for your program here.] [Insert all activities or work products for your program here.]

Short-term Outcomes

[Insert all short-term outcomes for your program here.]


Intermediate Outcomes

[Insert all intermediate outcomes for your program here.]


Long-term Outcomes

[Insert all long-term outcomes for your program here.]


Feedback Loop One: [Describe one feedback loop that exists in the above table.]


Feedback Loop Two: [Describe a second feedback loop that exists in the above table.]


Assumptions External Barriers
[Insert all assumptions for your program here.]


[Insert all external barriers for your program here.]


Logic Model Outline Design

Program Title: Youth Employment and Skills Development Program

Program Goal: The goal of the Youth Employment and Skills Development Program is to empower unemployed and underemployed youth with the necessary skills and resources to secure meaningful employment and pursue sustainable careers.

Inputs or Resources Activities or Work Products Outcomes

  • Funding from government grants – Conducting a needs assessment to identify the skills gap among youth Short-term Outcomes
  • Trained program staff and mentors – Organizing workshops and training sessions on essential job skills – Increased employability of participating youth
  • Learning materials and curriculum – Providing career counseling and guidance Intermediate Outcomes
  • Partnership with local businesses – Facilitating internships and job placements – Increased number of youth securing internships and job offers
  • Computer labs and facilities – Offering entrepreneurship training for aspiring youth – Enhanced entrepreneurial ventures initiated by program participants

Long-term Outcomes

  • Decreased youth unemployment rate in the target community
  • Improved economic stability and growth in the community

Feedback Loop One: The feedback loop between Activities and Short-term Outcomes:

As workshops and training sessions on essential job skills are conducted, participating youth gain new skills and knowledge, which directly contribute to their increased employability. The effectiveness of these activities in achieving short-term outcomes can be measured through pre- and post-assessment evaluations, participant feedback, and the number of youth actively seeking employment after completing the program.

Feedback Loop Two: The feedback loop between Intermediate Outcomes and Long-term Outcomes:

The success of facilitating internships and job placements, as well as providing entrepreneurship training, leads to an increased number of youth securing internships, job offers, and launching entrepreneurial ventures. These intermediate outcomes, when tracked over time, will determine the overall success of the program in reducing youth unemployment and driving economic growth in the community.


  • Assumption 1: The availability of funding from government grants will remain consistent throughout the program’s duration.
  • Assumption 2: The program’s curriculum and activities are relevant and effectively address the skills gap among youth.
  • Assumption 3: Local businesses will actively participate in offering internships and employment opportunities to program participants.

External Barriers:

  • External Barrier 1: Economic downturn or recession, affecting job opportunities in the region.
  • External Barrier 2: Limited engagement and support from local businesses in providing job placements.
  • External Barrier 3: Social and cultural factors that may discourage some youth from pursuing certain career paths.
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