Medications Affecting Coagulation

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Medications Affecting Coagulation

  Coumadin Heparin Lovenox
Mode of Action














Side Effects






Labs to Monitor







Patient teaching












Medications affecting Coagulation

Medications Affecting Coagulation

Coumadin (Warfarin) Heparin Lovenox (Enoxaparin)
Mode of Action Oral anticoagulant Parenteral Parenteral
Indications – Prevention and – Prevention and – Prevention and
treatment of treatment of deep treatment of deep
venous thrombosis vein thrombosis, vein thrombosis,
– Prevention of pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolism,
stroke in atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation,
atrial fibrillation and other and other
– Prevention of hypercoagulable hypercoagulable
systemic embolism conditions conditions
Dosage/Route Individualized oral Subcutaneous or IV Subcutaneous
Side Effects – Bleeding – Bleeding – Bleeding
– Skin necrosis – Heparin-induced – Heparin-induced
– Purple toes thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenia
– Hair loss – Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis
– Nausea, diarrhea – Hyperkalemia – Hyperkalemia
– Rash – Hypersensitivity – Hypersensitivity
– Elevated liver – Elevated liver – Elevated liver
enzymes enzymes enzymes
Labs to Monitor – International – Activated partial – Anti-factor Xa
normalized ratio thromboplastin time activity
(INR) (aPTT)
– Complete blood – Platelet count
count (CBC) – aPTT
– Hemoglobin and
Antidote Vitamin K (if Protamine sulfate Protamine sulfate
necessary) (for heparin) (for enoxaparin)
Patient Teaching – Take medication – Educate on proper – Educate on proper
as prescribed and administration of administration of
have regular INR injections, injections,
monitoring dosage, and timing dosage, and timing
– Be consistent – Report any signs – Report any signs
with vitamin K- of bleeding or of bleeding or
containing foods heparin-induced heparin-induced
– Avoid excessive thrombocytopenia thrombocytopenia
alcohol consumption – Wear a medical – Wear a medical
– Inform healthcare alert bracelet alert bracelet
provider of any – Report any signs – Report any signs
changes in diet, of allergic reactions of allergic reactions
medications, or
other factors that
may affect INR

Please note that this is a general overview, and specific recommendations and patient teaching should always be provided by a healthcare professional based on the patient’s unique condition and needs. Dosage and monitoring also vary depending on the individual patient’s condition.

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