MSN Student Performance Evaluation

Evaluation of MSN Student Performance (cover sheet for reviews)


Student Name:                                                                               Course:                                            


Check one:              Midpoint Review                                         Final Review



Using the Midpoint or Final Review checklist of questions as a guide, answer the following:


  1. Does the student’s progress demonstrate the ability to practice at the expected level for completion of this course?





  1. What are the student’s greatest strengths?





  1. Are there any areas or skills that need improvement?





  1. What is your overall evaluation of this student?





  1. The student’s abilities:


             Meet the course evaluation criteria


             Fail to meet the course evaluation criteria


Preceptor Signature:                                                                          Date Signed:                                


Preceptor Name:                                                                                                                                    



If needed, please use the other side for additional comments.

MSN Student Performance Evaluation

Evaluation of MSN Student Performance (Cover Sheet for Reviews)

Student Name: [Student’s Name] Course: [Course Name]

Check one: [ ] Midpoint Review [ ] Final Review

Using the Midpoint or Final Review checklist of questions as a guide, answer the following:

  1. Does the student’s progress demonstrate the ability to practice at the expected level for completion of this course? [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Partially
  2. What are the student’s greatest strengths? [Include strengths and positive aspects of the student’s performance]
  3. Are there any areas or skills that need improvement? [Identify areas where the student needs improvement and constructive feedback]
  4. What is your overall evaluation of this student? [Provide an overall assessment of the student’s performance]
  5. The student’s abilities: [Check one] [ ] Meet the course evaluation criteria [ ] Fail to meet the course evaluation criteria

Preceptor Signature: [Your Signature] Date Signed: [Date]

Preceptor Name: [Your Name]

Address: [Your Address]

If needed, please use the other side for additional comments.

[Additional comments can be provided here if necessary]

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