Operational Statistics for Hospitals

The table below gives some operational statistics for two hospitals located in the same community. Use the table to answer the following questions.

  1. Calculate the following measures for each hospital (wherever appropriate, calculate the measure for each pay type). Discuss the meaning and significance of each measure and point out the differences between the two hospitals.
    1. Hospital capacity
    2. ALOS
    3. Occupancy rate
  2. Operationally, which hospital is performing better? Why?
  3. Do you think the nonprofit hospital is meeting its community benefit obligations in exchange for its tax-exempt status? Explain.
  4. Do you think the hospitals have a problem with excess capacity? If so, what would you recommend? In your answer to this question, please consider how hospital governance may impact the ability of an administrator to make changes.


Calendar Year 2016 Nonprofit Community Hospital (A) Proprietary Community Hospital (B)
Number of Beds in Operation 320 240
Total Discharges 12,051 9,230
     Medicare 5,130 3,876
     Medicaid 3,565 2,118
     Private Insurance 3,356 3,236
Total hospital days 72,421 51,684
     Medicare 36,935 26,359
     Medicaid 23,175 12,921
     Private Insurance 12,311 12,404
Total inpatient revenues $ 45,755,000 $ 35,800,000
Dollar value of community benefits $ 5,000,000 $ 3,500,000


This activity covers the following module objectives: MO 5, MO 8.

operational statistics for hospitals

The table below gives some operational statistics for two hospitals located in the same community. Use the table to answer the following questions.

  1. Calculate the following measures for each hospital (wherever appropriate, calculate the measure for each pay type). Discuss the meaning and significance of each measure and point out the differences between the two hospitals.
    1. Hospital capacity
    2. ALOS
    3. Occupancy rate
  2. Operationally which hospital is performing better? Why?
  3. Do you think the nonprofit hospital is meeting its community benefit obligations in exchange for its tax-exempt status? Explain.
  4. Do you think the hospitals have a problem with excess capacity? If so, what would you recommend? In your answer to this question, please consider how hospital governance may impact the ability of an administrator to make changes.


Calendar Year 2016 Nonprofit Community Hospital (A) Proprietary Community Hospital (B)
Number of Beds in Operation 320 240
Total Discharges 12,051 9,230
     Medicare 5,130 3,876
     Medicaid 3,565 2,118
     Private Insurance 3,356 3,236
Total hospital days 72,421 51,684
     Medicare 36,935 26,359
     Medicaid 23,175 12,921
     Private Insurance 12,311 12,404
Total inpatient revenues $ 45,755,000 $ 35,800,000
Dollar value of community benefits $ 5,000,000 $ 3,500,000


This activity covers the following module objectives: MO 5, MO 8.

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