Outline Marketing Plan

Week 7 – Assignment: Design the Marketing Plan

You have completed your analysis of the internal and external environment for the marketing plan to regain market share and improve communication and clinical quality for patients with congestive heart failure and heart attack. Given your relationship with the community health department, the chief executive officer is fully onboard to address the issues as a partner in your marketing efforts.

It is now time to design the marketing campaign.

Assignment Instructions:

Using your community analysis from Week 6, create an outline for your marketing plan. Marketing communication includes channels, reach, specificity, and impact. Channels are how the message will be communicated (e.g., direct mail, phone calls, social media, television ads, etc.). The reach is the number of people who will be exposed to a channel. The specificity is how accurately the message can be targeted to specific groups, and the impact is how influential a message will be to arouse interest and evoke participation in the project.

You can provide this information in a table format using this example:

Table 8. Marketing Communication

Channel Reach Specificity Impact
Social media      
Email blast      

In your marketing plan’s outline and summary, identify the targeted audience and justify your selection of this market segment. Be sure to consult the issues/strategies table from Week 5 and your analysis of the community profile from Week 6 to identify the market segment at risk.

As you design your marketing and communication plan, keep in mind the following examples. Remember, your community demographics will guide your identification of the market segment.

Examples of your target audience include:

  • Residents over 65 years of age who have a diagnosis of congestive heart failure, coronary artery disease, or previous cardiac arrest.
  • Residents who may not have English as their primary language or lack language fluency and comprehension to understand discharge instructions for post-hospital self-care and compliance.

Remember, you are using innovative thinking to create a strategy addressing issues in communication and clinical quality. Your marketing plan should reflect creative processes to attract the attention of your target audience and the community at large.

Length: minimum of 3 pages, not including the title page and reference page—include your completed marketing communication chart in your report

References: minimum of 5 scholarly references

Outline Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Outline for Regaining Market Share and Improving Communication and Clinical Quality for Patients with Congestive Heart Failure and Heart Attack

1. Introduction

  • Purpose: To develop a marketing plan aimed at improving communication and clinical quality for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) and heart attack, thereby regaining market share.
  • Scope: Focus on innovative communication strategies and quality improvement measures.

2. Target Audience

  • Primary Audience:
    • Residents over 65 years of age with a diagnosis of CHF, coronary artery disease, or previous cardiac arrest.
    • Residents who do not have English as their primary language or lack fluency in English for understanding discharge instructions.
  • Justification:
    • Elderly patients and non-English speakers are at higher risk of miscommunication and poor clinical outcomes due to language barriers and complex medical needs.

3. Marketing Communication Table

Channel Reach Specificity Impact
Newspapers High Moderate – can target local demographics Moderate – traditional medium, good for older adults
Television High Low – broad audience High – visual and auditory engagement
Posters Moderate High – can be placed in strategic locations Moderate – constant visual reminder
Social media High High – targeted ads to specific groups High – interactive and wide-reaching
Email blast Moderate to High High – specific patient lists High – direct and personalized

4. Marketing Strategies

  • Newspapers:
    • Advertisements in local newspapers targeting sections frequently read by the elderly.
    • Articles and testimonials from satisfied patients highlighting improved clinical outcomes.
  • Television:
    • Commercials during prime-time slots and health-related programs.
    • Features on local news showcasing success stories and community health initiatives.
  • Posters:
    • Placement in hospitals, community centers, and senior living facilities.
    • Multilingual posters addressing language barriers.
  • Social media:
    • Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram campaigns targeting caregivers and families of at-risk patients.
    • Educational videos, infographics, and patient stories to engage the community.
  • Email blasts:
    • Personalized emails to current and past patients with information on new programs and services.
    • Monthly newsletters with tips on managing heart health and updates on clinical improvements.

5. Summary of Community Analysis

  • Demographics: High percentage of elderly residents and a significant population of non-English speakers.
  • Health Challenges: High rates of CHF and heart attacks, with communication barriers leading to poor clinical outcomes.
  • Opportunities: Leverage community partnerships and technology to enhance communication and clinical care.

6. Conclusion

  • Expected Outcomes: Improved patient understanding and compliance, reduced readmission rates, and enhanced patient satisfaction.
  • Next Steps: Implement the marketing plan, monitor results, and make adjustments based on feedback and outcomes.


  1. Author, A.A. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.
  2. Author, B.B. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.
  3. Author, C.C. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.
  4. Author, D.D. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.
  5. Author, E.E. (Year). Title of the article. Journal Name, Volume(Issue), pages.
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