post-stroke depression

Case Study: 70-year-old male with poorly controlled blood pressure and hyperlipidemia who presents after an episode of lightheadness that resulted in a fall. He complained of left-hand numbness and visual disturbances that resolved after 15 min. Physical examination showed irregular heart rhythm, tachycardia and hypertension. More information about patient: onset unilateral weakness, smokers ½ pack per day. Alcohol: single shot of whiskey most nights. He has post-stroke depression.

Main diagnoses: Stroke


Differential Diagnoses with rationales

  • 1- Transient ischemic attack (TIA)


  • 2- Seizure:


       The diagnostic Plan:

Identify lab, radiology, or other test need it for the main diagnosis of Stroke


Specific Treatment Plan, Education and Follow up: include medication name, dosage and frequency; patient/ family; appropriate follow up plan and consults when appropriate based on appropriate clinical guidelines.



  • APA format with intext citations.
  • Write 2 pages, not including references.
  • References: 3 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.
  • Plagiarism free.
  • Turnitin receipt.

post-stroke depression

Case Study: 70-year-old male with poorly controlled blood pressure and hyperlipidemia who presents after an episode of lightheadness that resulted in a fall. He complained of left-hand numbness and visual disturbances that resolved after 15 min. Physical examination showed irregular heart rhythm, tachycardia and hypertension.

More information about patient: onset unilateral weakness, smokers ½ pack per day. Alcohol: single shot of whiskey most nights. He has post-stroke depression.

Main diagnoses: Stroke


Differential Diagnoses with rationales

  • 1- Transient ischemic attack (TIA)


  • 2- Seizure:


       The diagnostic Plan:

Identify lab, radiology, or other test need it for the main diagnosis of Stroke


Specific Treatment Plan, Education and Follow up: include medication name, dosage and frequency; patient/ family; appropriate follow up plan and consults when appropriate based on appropriate clinical guidelines.



  • APA format with intext citations.
  • Write 2 pages, not including references.
  • References: 3 high-level scholarly references within the last 5 years in APA format.
  • Plagiarism free.
  • Turnitin receipt.


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