Recurrence of Otitis Media

An 8-year-old girl comes to your ambulatory care clinic with complaints of left ear pain for the past 3 days. She had respiratory infection a week ago. On physical examination, the tympanic membrane is bulging.

Answer the following questions:

What else should you ask the client?

What teaching would you reinforce to prevent the recurrence of otitis media?

What expected outcomes would be specific to this situation?

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

recurrence of otitis media

Questions to Ask the Client

  1. Symptom Details:
    • Is the ear pain constant, or does it come and go?
    • Does the pain worsen at any particular time of the day or in certain positions?
    • Have you noticed any discharge from the ear?
    • Has there been any recent fever?
  2. Hearing and Sensation:
    • Have you experienced any hearing loss or difficulty hearing in the affected ear?
    • Is there any ringing or buzzing in the ear?
  3. Other Symptoms:
    • Are you experiencing headaches, dizziness, or nausea?
    • Have you had any recent changes in appetite or sleep patterns?
  4. History:
    • Have you had any previous episodes of ear infections?
    • Do you have any known allergies?
    • Have you been exposed to secondhand smoke?
  5. Current Medications and Treatments:
    • Are you taking any medications for your symptoms? If so, what are they?
    • Have you used any over-the-counter ear drops or remedies?

Teaching to Prevent Recurrence of Otitis Media

  1. Proper Hygiene:
    • Encourage regular handwashing to prevent the spread of respiratory infections that can lead to otitis media.
  2. Avoid Secondhand Smoke:
    • Explain the importance of avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke, as it can increase the risk of ear infections.
  3. Manage Allergies:
    • If the child has known allergies, ensure they are well-managed with appropriate medications to reduce the risk of ear infections.
  4. Ear Protection:
    • Advise keeping ears dry during swimming or bathing to avoid water entering the ear canal, which can lead to infections.
  5. Vaccinations:
    • Reinforce the importance of staying up-to-date with vaccinations, particularly the flu vaccine and pneumococcal vaccine, which can reduce the risk of respiratory infections that can lead to otitis media.

Expected Outcomes

  1. Symptom Relief:
    • The patient reports a decrease in ear pain within 48-72 hours after starting appropriate treatment.
  2. Infection Resolution:
    • The tympanic membrane returns to a normal appearance (no bulging) within 7-10 days of treatment.
  3. Hearing Preservation:
    • The patient experiences no further hearing loss and reports normal hearing function after the infection resolves.
  4. Prevention of Recurrence:
    • The patient and family demonstrate understanding of preventive measures, such as avoiding secondhand smoke and managing allergies, leading to a reduced incidence of future ear infections.
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