Relationship between Population and Environmental Protection

Hum Ecology & Environment week 3 discussion


Pick any one question and respond in an original discussion post by midnight, Day 4 of Week 3.

After the initial post, you must also provide substantive responses to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts and remain active on at least 2 additional days during Week 3.

  1. Which one explains population growth more accurately between Thomas Malthus’s Population Theory and the Demographic Transition model? Explain your stance with supporting evidence. Next, how are population, economic growth, and environmental protection related? And based on the reasons behind the current population figures, how can nurses help address population issues? (USLOs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)


  1. Is there a connection between population growth and an area’s socioeconomic status, gender, race/ethnicity, and health outcomes? Explain with supporting evidence. What are the challenges posed by population growth to the environment and people? In what ways can nurse professionals contribute to addressing the effects of population growth? (USLOs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)


Each week, your discussion will be graded on a point scale. To successfully complete each weekly discussion assignment, you must address all items included in the discussion topic/question in the initial post and thoroughly respond to at least 2 peers on 2 different days.

25% of your final grade comes from discussion forum participation.

All posts should be thoughtful, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, assigned readings, lectures, or course materials in APA format. Your responses should consist of your informed input. One or two-sentence peer responses will not fetch full points. Do not merely recite the content you read in the unit; don’t simply give your opinion.

Your input should be in your own words (to avoid plagiarism), demonstrating your understanding and comprehension of the topic. Be sure to support all your posts (initial post + responses) with specific references to the assigned readings, lecture material, and other relevant research you find appropriate in APA format.

Relationship between Population and Environmental Protection

In this discussion, I will address question 1, which compares Thomas Malthus’s Population Theory and the Demographic Transition model in explaining population growth, explores the relationship between population, economic growth, and environmental protection, and discusses how nurses can help address population issues.

  1. Comparison between Malthus’s Population Theory and the Demographic Transition Model:

Thomas Malthus’s Population Theory, proposed in the late 18th century, posited that population growth would eventually outstrip the planet’s capacity to provide food and resources, leading to famine, disease, and a decline in population. Malthus argued that population growth was limited by checks, either positive (such as famine and disease) or preventive (such as delayed marriage and abstinence), which kept the population in check.

On the other hand, the Demographic Transition model, developed in the 20th century, describes a pattern of population change that occurs as societies industrialize and develop. It includes four stages: high birth and death rates in pre-industrial societies (Stage 1), a decrease in death rates due to improved healthcare and hygiene while birth rates remain high (Stage 2), a decline in birth rates as society develops economically and socially (Stage 3), and eventually, low birth and death rates in post-industrial societies (Stage 4).

Between these two theories, the Demographic Transition model provides a more accurate explanation of population growth trends. Empirical evidence from various countries shows that as nations undergo economic and social development, birth rates tend to decline. This pattern has been observed consistently and aligns with the demographic transition model.

  1. Relationship between Population, Economic Growth, and Environmental Protection:

Population, economic growth, and environmental protection are intricately linked. Rapid population growth can strain resources and exacerbate environmental degradation. As more people consume resources and produce waste, it places pressure on ecosystems and contributes to issues like deforestation, pollution, and climate change.

However, the relationship is complex. Economic growth can lead to increased resource consumption but also provides the means to invest in cleaner technologies and environmental protection measures. Effective policies and innovations can decouple economic growth from environmental harm.

Nurses can play a vital role in addressing these issues by advocating for public health policies that promote family planning and reproductive health services. These services can help manage population growth, reduce maternal and infant mortality, and improve overall health outcomes. Additionally, nurses can educate communities on sustainable practices that reduce their environmental footprint.

In conclusion, the Demographic Transition model provides a more accurate framework for understanding population growth trends compared to Malthus’s theory. The relationship between population, economic growth, and environmental protection is complex, but with informed policies and healthcare interventions, nurses can contribute to addressing population-related challenges and promoting sustainable development.

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