Scholarly Identity

This course has exposed you to database-search techniques, communication strategies, scholarly writing principles, and many academic resources and services with which to continue developing your skills. Perhaps, as a result of this course, you have begun to think of yourself more as a scholar practitioner in human services. Your identity will naturally evolve as you advance in the program, but where are you now? What strengths can you leverage to remain motivated, and what resources will you use to support your success?

For this Discussion, you reflect on what you have learned and what is to come in the program, as well as your evolving identity.


  • Review your course announcements for possible information related to this week’s Discussion and Assignment.



Post a reflection on what you have learned in the past 6 weeks and how you can apply it moving forward. What strengths do you bring to your scholarly journey, and what barriers might you face? What are you most excited about in terms of the program? What is your scholarly identity? How has this course contributed to shaping that identity? What specific resources and services will you access as you continue in the program? Provide an example of how you have applied or will apply your learning in this course to your other course(s).

Please use the following headings for this week’s Discussion Prompt (see numbers 1 -5 below).

Post a reflection on what you have learned in the past six weeks and how you can apply it moving forward.

    1. What strengths do you bring to your scholarly journey, and what barriers might you face?
    2. What are you most excited about in terms of the program?
    3. What is your scholarly identity?
    4. How has this course contributed to shaping that identity?
    5. What specific resources and services will you access as you continue in your program? Provide an example of how you have applied or will apply your learning in this course to your other course(s).

scholarly identity

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