SOAP Note for a Patient with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

For this Assignment, you will complete a focused SOAP note for a patient in a case study who has either a schizophrenia spectrum, other psychotic, or medication-induced movement disorder.

SOAP Note for a Patient with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

SOAP Note for a Patient with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

Patient Information: Name: John Doe Age: 30 Gender: Male Diagnosis: Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder

Subjective: John reports feeling paranoid and anxious. He states that he is hearing voices telling him to hurt himself and others. He also reports feeling isolated and disconnected from reality. John admits that he has not been taking his medication as prescribed because he believes it is poison. He has a history of noncompliance with treatment.

Objective: John appears anxious and paranoid during the assessment. He exhibits bizarre behavior, including speaking to himself and staring off into space. His affect is flat and he appears detached from his surroundings. John’s speech is tangential and difficult to follow. He reports auditory hallucinations, but denies any visual hallucinations.

Assessment: John is exhibiting symptoms consistent with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder. He is experiencing auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and disorganized behavior and speech. John’s noncompliance with medication may be contributing to his symptoms.


  1. Ensure John’s safety by monitoring him closely and removing any potential sources of harm.
  2. Administer medication to reduce symptoms and improve his overall functioning.
  3. Refer John to a therapist for cognitive-behavioral therapy to help him manage his symptoms and develop coping skills.
  4. Educate John and his family members about the importance of medication compliance and the potential consequences of noncompliance.
  5. Schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor John’s progress and adjust treatment as necessary.

SOAP Note for a Patient with Medication-Induced Movement Disorder

Patient Information: Name: Jane Smith Age: 45 Gender: Female Diagnosis: Medication-Induced Movement Disorder

Subjective: Jane reports feeling restless and agitated. She is experiencing involuntary movements of her mouth and tongue, which she finds embarrassing. Jane has a history of taking antipsychotic medication for bipolar disorder.

Objective: Jane exhibits repetitive, involuntary movements of her mouth and tongue. She appears restless and agitated during the assessment. Her affect is flat and she reports feeling embarrassed about her movements.

Assessment: Jane is exhibiting symptoms consistent with a medication-induced movement disorder, specifically tardive dyskinesia. Her symptoms are likely a side effect of long-term use of antipsychotic medication.


  1. Monitor Jane closely for any signs of worsening symptoms.
  2. Consider reducing the dose of antipsychotic medication or switching to a different medication that is less likely to cause movement disorders.
  3. Refer Jane to a neurologist for further evaluation and treatment options.
  4. Educate Jane about the potential side effects of antipsychotic medication and the importance of regular check-ups to monitor for potential side effects.
  5. Schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor Jane’s progress and adjust treatment as necessary.

Conclusion: SOAP notes are an essential tool for healthcare providers to effectively communicate patient information and develop a comprehensive treatment plan. In the case of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder or medication-induced movement disorder, a thorough assessment and careful monitoring are critical for ensuring the best possible outcomes. Effective treatment may include medication, therapy, and education about medication compliance and potential side effects. By using SOAP notes to document patient information and track progress, healthcare providers can provide optimal care and improve patient outcomes.

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