Standards of Care Application

Discuss the standard(s) of care to which the parties will be held in this case scenario. How will the standards of care and your state’s Nurse Practice Act be applied in the courts if the case is sued?

Case Scenario

SK, age 61, went to the hospital with what she thought was a bad cold, and was admitted with a diagnosis of pneumonia. Following admission, she became increasingly feverish and short of breath, but her family’s calls for help went unanswered. In fact, her daughter was unable to find anyone when she went to the nurses’ station looking for help. The patient eventually stopped breathing, and someone finally responded to the family’s desperate and frantic calls for help. SK was successfully resuscitated, but sustained brain damage due to oxygen deprivation. She was left unable to walk, talk, or care for herself.

Because of nurse understaffing in the hospital, her assigned RN had not assessed her often enough and did not monitor her oxygen level. There were 41 other patients on this unit. Although the hospital’s own staffing standards called for five registered nurses and two licensed practical nurses to staff this unit, only three registered nurses were on duty. Records for the unit in question indicated that the hospital failed to meet its own staffing standards for 51 out of 59 days before this incident.

Instructions: This is a discussion post. 1 page to 1 1/2 page of content is enough. must use at least 3 references, no less than that. APA format.

Standards of Care Application

Title: Standards of Care and Application in a Lawsuit: A Case Scenario Analysis

Introduction: In this case scenario, the patient, SK, suffered severe brain damage due to oxygen deprivation as a result of inadequate nursing care and nurse understaffing in the hospital. The standards of care and the Nurse Practice Act (NPA) of the relevant state will be essential factors in determining the liability and potential legal consequences for the parties involved. This discussion explores the applicable standards of care and how they are likely to be applied in the courts.

Standards of Care: The standards of care establish the level of competence and care expected from healthcare professionals, including nurses, in their practice. These standards are based on evidence-based guidelines, professional organizations’ recommendations, state laws, and regulations. The application of standards of care helps to ensure patient safety and quality of care.

In this case, the nursing care provided to SK fell below the accepted standards of care. The assigned registered nurse failed to assess SK frequently and neglected to monitor her oxygen level, despite her worsening condition. Additionally, the hospital’s failure to meet its own staffing standards further contributed to the inadequate care provided to SK. The hospital’s staffing standards called for a specific number of registered nurses and licensed practical nurses, which were not met, indicating a systemic problem.

Nurse Practice Act (NPA): The NPA is a set of laws and regulations that govern nursing practice within a specific state. It outlines the legal scope of nursing practice, defines the roles and responsibilities of nurses, and establishes the standards of care expected of nurses in that jurisdiction.

In this case, the state’s NPA will be crucial in determining the legal obligations and potential liability of the nurses involved. The NPA typically covers areas such as nursing licensure, delegation of tasks, documentation requirements, and professional conduct. Violation of the NPA, such as failing to meet the standard of care or neglecting professional responsibilities, may result in disciplinary actions and legal consequences for the nurses.

Application in the Courts: If this case were to be sued, the courts would likely consider the standards of care and the state’s NPA in assessing the liability of the parties involved. Expert witnesses, such as nursing professionals, would be called upon to provide their opinions on the adequacy of care provided based on the prevailing standards at the time.

The court would evaluate whether the nursing care provided to SK deviated from the accepted standards of care. The negligence and breach of duty on the part of the assigned nurse and the hospital’s failure to meet staffing standards may be considered as factors contributing to SK’s injuries. The court may also take into account the hospital’s record of failing to meet staffing standards over an extended period, highlighting a potential systemic issue.

The state’s NPA would be used to determine the legal obligations and professional responsibilities of the nurses involved. Any violations of the NPA, such as failure to assess and monitor the patient appropriately, may strengthen the plaintiff’s case against the defendants.

Conclusion: In the case scenario described, the nursing care provided to SK fell below the accepted standards of care due to nurse understaffing and inadequate monitoring. The standards of care and the state’s NPA will play a significant role in determining the liability of the parties involved. The court would consider expert opinions and evaluate whether the defendants’ actions deviated from the prevailing standards of care and violated the provisions outlined in the NPA. Ultimately, the court’s decision would aim to ensure accountability and promote patient safety and quality of care.


  1. American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice. American Nurses Association.
  2. American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC). (2017). Legal nurse consulting principles (4th ed.). Author.
  3. Furrow, B. R., et al. (2020). Health law: Cases, materials, and problems (8th ed.). West Academic Publishing.
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